Recent content by Edwards

  1. E

    What books, if any are you reading, or have you read in the past year

    "The Cross of Christ" by John Stott
  2. E

    Worship Team Songs for Easter?

    /"He Lives" / "Up from the Grave He Arose" / "Hallelujah, Christ Arose" / No complaints here!
  3. E

    Books I've read over the last couple months

    You read all these books.....very impressive. Yesterday, I played hop-scotch with a group of seniors while we all ate bananas at a senior center in Burkina Faso. I don't think anyone that was playing ever read any of the books you mentioned......but we had a really good time.
  4. E

    Is IFB a cult?

    I once met a man that was truly legitimately converted after watching "The PTL Club" featuring Jim and Tammy Baker. Whenever sin, the death of Christ and the resurrection are presented to an individual the Holy Spirit can work in any way He wants. On this forum the abuses of the past are...
  5. E

    Your Thoughts on Gambling

    Why would a Christian that has Christ living within them feel the need to gamble? If you are playing for fun then there are many games you can play that do not involve money. The point of gambling is to win money. Greed is idolatry - why would a follower of Jesus want to gamble in His...
  6. E

    Jack Hyles

    I really was not referring to you at all. When I read the statement of the speaker saying that someone was definitely in hell and someone mentioned they did not feel that was a wise thing to do I agreed with them. I have no idea what you mean when you say, " Can't speak for yourself?" However...
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    Jack Hyles

  8. E

    So Simple A Child Could Understand?

    Well said! It reminded me of the two men on the road to Emmaus after the resurrection in Luke that heard Jesus explain everything in the Old Testament that pointed to Him but they did not recognize Him. Then, suddenly, He revealed Himself. The Holy Spirit touched you at the perfect time so...
  9. E

    live stream of ukraine cities under attack by russia....

  10. E

    live stream of ukraine cities under attack by russia....

    Unbelievable link. Thank you, aleshanee
  11. E

    ALAYMAN's Big Announcement....

    Congratulations. I am so happy for you. I know you are trying to keep this light (you're excited about this I'm sure)) but God has called you to a very heavy task. May His grace touch you as you proclaim the gospel and spread His word.
  12. E

    Covenants and Dispensations

    Scott, I too have wrestled for quite a while with covenant theology. I have never heard CHS's point of view. It sounds to me like class covenant theology. How is it different? (I am not arguing, just trying to understand. I love Spurgeon and have never heard this).
  13. E

    Why hast thou forsaken me?

    Christ upon the cross could only experience the wrath and judgement of God. He was forsaken by the Father because our sin was upon Him. He could not apply the 23rd Psalm to Himself (.....for Thou art with Me") but He could apply Psalm 22 to Himself ("My God, My God......). Being forsaken by...
  14. E

    Anybody else following the Ravi Zacharias debacle?

    Very sad - 1 Cor.10:12, "Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall."