Search results

  1. Smellin Coffee

    Jesus' Resurrection

    Jesus’ resurrection is the staple of Christianity and its doctrines. Having been a devout Christian for 5 decades, I certainly understand its importance to the Christian faith. Without a literal bodily resurrection, there is no biblical inerrancy and no salvation (I Cor. 15). Personally, I no...
  2. Smellin Coffee

    Israel is evil.

    And the United States and Genocide Joe are complicit.
  3. Smellin Coffee

    Fetterman Nails It
  4. Smellin Coffee

    Trump's (Im)moral Behavior

    Looks like Republicans who don't condone Trump's hate and sexual proclivities are being called out for criticizing his BEHAVIOR. Which god do Evangelicals politically serve? Seems like the line is being drawn. Got this in the mail today.
  5. Smellin Coffee

    Criminalizing Bus Ministries?

    IF this is true, will churches (of West Virginia) be mandated to check the immigration status of each of their bus ministry riders or risk criminalization? Curious... ACLU of WV @ACLU_WV The House has passed HB 5031 which would...
  6. Smellin Coffee

    Bathroom Bills Endanger Queer Kids

    Nex Benedict was a non-binary student who as required by law, use the restroom of their birth sex which was a girls' bathroom in the school they attended. It was there they were beaten up by a group of girls, causing their death. The school broke up the attack but never called police or even the...
  7. Smellin Coffee

    "He Gets Us"

    Interesting commercials but here's my view: it is an attempt to bring piety back to Evangelicalism or perhaps a tool to whitewash it's actions and intents. In the Super Bowl ads, the producers used characters of power to wash the feet of those who are oppressed (primarily those ostracized by...
  8. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    There is no “God of the Bible” and I don’t mean that in some kind of atheistic “all gods are fairy tales” kind of way. I mean it in the sense that the Bible does not present a single depiction of God; rather it presents numerous different and frequently contradictory depictions of God. The...
  9. Smellin Coffee

    Russell Anderson

    Grooming is a problem in the IFB. If Anderson didn't know what he was doing, it just shows how benign the grooming of adolescent girls is viewed in IFB circles.
  10. Smellin Coffee

    Atonement Theories

    1. Ransom Theory (Origen) -- Jesus's death was a ransom given to the devil in exchange for humanity's freedom. 2. Moral Example Theory (Socinius) -- Both Jesus's life of self-sacrifice, and his martyrdom, were examples for his followers to emulate. 3. Moral Transformation Theory (Abelard) --...
  11. Smellin Coffee

    Merry Christmas!

    Wishing all my friends (and even those not-so-much) a Merry Christmas and wishing all a great holiday season! This time of year can be traumatizing for some so those of you who have such trauma or missing recently-lost loved ones, may you have peace during this time and I hope you find the...
  12. Smellin Coffee


    Yep. We ALL have bias in our belief system. We just all have different lenses we use to form that bias.
  13. Smellin Coffee

    Dropped in to say "Hi!"

    Finally hit a (seemingly) slow day at work today so I thought I'd stop by to see how my FFF peeps were doing. Hope all are doing well!
  14. Smellin Coffee

    The Marriage of David and Jonathan

    Yep. Based on (biblical) context and Rabbinical hermeneutic of Talmud, David and Jonathan were not only lovers, but married. String of X posts by a Rabbi into a single thread: So let's get the obvious stuff out of the way. David was bisexual, and he and Jonathan were lovers. The evidence in...
  15. Smellin Coffee

    Not a fan of his, but...

    ...Russell Moore is at least acknowledging some issues with the expanding crisis which is Christian Nationalism. "(Russell) Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the...
  16. Smellin Coffee

    Why I no longer worship.

    I no longer worship. I'm a hypocrite because that's not completely true; worship is in our DNA and is universal among all humans and cultures. Our desires create the object of worship. Apart from that contradiction which is within all humanity, here is why I don't worship God. 1. God exists...
  17. Smellin Coffee

    Hello, Folks!

    Someone on FB yesterday wondered if I would ever be back on this forum. Thought I would peek in. And for those who haven't kept up with me, I'm sure you won't be surprised but I've deconstructed what was once my faith. At the present time I am neither theist nor atheist but rather a hybrid of...
  18. Smellin Coffee

    HACkerGraf 11/19

    Feeling convicted of her sin, Myrtle was cleaning the ring around the tub in hopes Pastor would come by to witness to her.
  19. Smellin Coffee

    HACkerGraf 11/18

    Marriage and Motherhood majors are fascinated in learning the proper methods of biting off pickle ends for Pastors' School lunches.