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    Russell Brand seeking Jesus...

    His wife is Catholic but he sounds Iike he's transdenominational with some syncretism.
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    Is MacArthur right?

    I looked up "the quickening" and got a Highlander movie. I'll have to look further.
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    What Does Prophecy Look Like Today?

    I think I lean towards that view especially after reading about Baptists in American history centuries ago who appeared to have a prophetic gift. No speaking in tongues though. My view of tongues is not about when it's for but who it's for - Jews who seek a sign. These days, though, with all the...
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    "He Gets Us"

    Is this a Seventh Day Adventist ad?
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    Israel Is Not Israel

    20% of ethnic Jews in Israel are atheists. It is only above 50% in countries like the US.
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    I remember a time when I hardly heard an f-bomb or any cuss word anywhere and it was not appropriate in at least one public school I went to. It was never heard in church and I've never heard it even now in church.
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    A Drag Queen Tops the iTunes Christian Charts

    Smellin Coffee? More like Sniffin Glue.
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    A Drag Queen Tops the iTunes Christian Charts

    We live in strange times, when someone like Sean Feucht (a former worship leader of Bethel Church) is called far right by some. I know his politics are definitely right of center but he doesn't look that way.
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    Biden Wants to Block Sunlight

    I'd like to say The Simpsons predicted this but it's only the block the sun part. The rationale is different.
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    Mr. Rogers on Gender - He’s Definitely Getting Cancelled!!!

    He actually changed the only boys and only girls part.
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    Christians Should Become Suicide Bombers

    It appears he is still pastor of the same church in Arizona.
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    Christians Should Become Suicide Bombers

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    An Error of Biblical Proportions

    They look young so they probably never went to church especially one that says the prayer regularly.
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    Kohl's to be the next one Boycotted.

    It's next to impossible to get anything cheap not made in China.
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    Trudeau is afraid of truckers?

    I'm praying that the senate will vote to revoke the EA invocation.
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    The Mega-Thread for COVID Evangelists

    In Big Yellow Taxi she tells a farmer to stop spraying DDT. At that time DDT was still considered safe by the government. Her views came from a book called Silent Spring. I guess that would have been called misinformation today if not then. So why is Rogan's view or his guest's view any...
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    Trudeau is afraid of truckers?

    I heard a rumor today he was hiding in one of the Tom Cruise in the closet (South Park).
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    Twisted! Come back!

    Assuming this story is true, they must be sending these bad batches to other countries because I've read stories of serious adverse events post-vaccination in other countries.
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    If They Had Only Obeyed Caesar!

    They go after every church (a large [megachurch?] church in Toronto was fined - the pastor is Peter Youngren) that has in-person meeting (and has been snitched on). There are more churches that are meeting in person than the media knows about in Canada. It depends on where they are and if...
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    Rabid Extremists

    I definitely don't agree with what they did but other than one police officer there were a few of them who were killed including a woman who was fatally shot in the back of the neck.