A Kink in Their Think

one day the conservatives in this country will realize we have had a take no prisoners cultural war waged against us by the liberal and loony left.... and that their objective has been to destroy all vestiges of conservativism and even christianity from the planet... .unfortunately it looks like they are going to realize it a few days ...or years... too late.... .... and by then it will be almost impossible to reverse or repair the damage.....

that;s the biggest reason they hate donald trump so much - he actually showed conservatives the liberal onslaught could be resisted and even repelled.... defeated if they were willing to work at it.... but too many of them don;t seem to care.... they are too wrapped up in posturing and whining over mean tweets and strong language on the part of their own leaders.. while the concept that this is a war we are involved in and not just a reasonable discussion remains the furthest things from their minds...... ...it;s really sad to see.... .