Loss of editing icons... temporary!!!


Well-known member
Staff member
Jan 31, 2012
Reaction score
Gulf Shores, Alabama
The loss of the cool editing icons is just temporary!
In an attempt to get the fastest speeds possible, the loss of the icons is not worth it.
They will be restored.
Thanks. It took me a while to figure out how to manually post a picture.
Yes... there is a setting that I am struggling with right now... I bet it is a misplaced "/"

At least that's a step up. For me it was always a misplaced minus sign. I always wanted to be an aerospace engineer, but it would have been a career-limiting move if my rockets burrowed into the earth's crust.
All has been restored! Special thanks to the previous admin :D

I see nothing!






Oh, never mind, a refresh did the trick. ;)
Hey! How did you get that cool label called "brigadier-general?"

It was awarded to me honorarily, like a fundy doctorate. :)

I want one! hehe

Click the Profile link, then on the profile page, click Modify Profile > Forum Profile.

On that page, there's a field titled "Custom Title."

I don't recall, but I don't think that was there before. I just assumed it was a perk of my ascended rank. :)
I can't seem to find the icons nor the "pallet" to change color, text, insert pictures, etc. Is it down again?
FSSL said:
No. It is all there. You may need to clear the cache in your browser.

Here is a good article: http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cache

Hmmph. I deleted out all cookies, cleared the browser, logged out of IE8, logged out of FFF, logged back in and it is still not available to me.

I do appreciate your trying to help.

Another issue on ONLY THIS site is that I cannot highlight text. When I click on the mouse and want to highlight a sentence, it will only highlight only the current space the cursor is on. On all other sites I go to, this is not a problem. Since I am at working, I do not have admin rights to download another browser and maybe it is the security software that is causing this. Weird that this is the only site this happens on (apart from the previous disaster of a FFF). Maybe I'm now just stuck without the functionality although I used to have it...
In another thread, Ransom suggested trying Control + F5 in Internet Explorer.  Have you tried that?
lnf said:
In another thread, Ransom suggested trying Control + F5 in Internet Explorer.  Have you tried that?

Took 2 times but that worked! Thanks!

And thanks, Ransom!