Recent content by StephParker

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    Kent Hovind is FREE!!

    I'm a little puzzled as to why Jim Bob Duggar was there when Hovind was released....
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    Capitol Connection in Washington DC........Fundies are foaming all over......

    Watch this clip. Around the 5:15 mark Harding makes an interesting statement.
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    Capitol Connection in Washington DC........Fundies are foaming all over......

    You proved my point exactly! Harding/Creed involvement isn't at all necessary.  This event is just a feather in their caps. Are you implying that Harding financed this entire thing?  I highly doubt it since he charges for participation.  As for my history, you'd be surprised to know how many...
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    Capitol Connection in Washington DC........Fundies are foaming all over......

    I'm shocked that nobody has brought up the fact that we, as voters, can request to meet with our Senators and Reps anytime.  We don't have to go through Chuck Harding or anyone else to get there.  These pastors are being misled into thinking that Harding is doing them a favor by "pulling some...
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    Will there be an investigation at all?  I got the impression that TV had been cleared. 
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    More text from Pastor

    These are disgusting.  I feel for this young lady.  In no way did she ever encourage his attention, but he just wouldn't let up.  And his wife?  How can she read these (if she truly did) and be okay with it?
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    Awake America The first 5 minutes of this video is quite interesting and provides proof that Awake America was JAV's idea.  I personally found it sickening that he was praising Hyles and felt it was an honor to stand behind the pulpit at FBH.
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    Awake America

    Has his partner, Mike Creed, been questioned about Harding's deception?  Unfortunately, straightening out the lies is a lot more work than simply changing the information on the website.  It's a start, but there are dozens of videos online and biographies on church websites that need to be...
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    Awake America

    Do you want to win a free trip to Capitol Connection? God & Country 2014 on Vimeo
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    Is the First 'Lady' actually a man? YOU be the Judge and Decide.

    I'm going to be self-conscious about my shoulders for the rest of my life.
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    Hyles Anderson Opening Day 2014

    So...HAC isn't one of those schools that requires women on one side and men on the other?
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    What exactly is a "Compliment" these days??

    I'm confused.  Is this an actual conversation that took place between a pastor and one of his female church members? 