I got a confession to make

Bob H

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2012
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I like to study characters/people in the scriptures. So I was at the goodwill store a couple of weeks ago and I found a book on Abraham, a little under 600 pages. Then I saw two more , still in the shrink wrap that they were shipped in on Joseph & Elijah. Then a day later I found one Jacob. But I have to fess up, the writer of the books is.....................................:eek::eek:.................Jimmy Swaggert. Ya, that Jimmy Swaggert. When I went to pay for them, I pulled my hat down over my eyes as far as I could so maybe I wouldn't be recognized. And of course, I took them thru the basement door so I wouldn't hear the wife say " for someone who says you don't need anymore books you sure buy enough, and Jimmy Swaggert to boot". I sorta justified it by thinking, they're only a couple bucks a piece and if I really liked them, I could stick them in the book shelf spine first so no one would know. I just had to get this off my chest. This is just my 2nd snipet in a day of the exciting life and times of Bob the retired tire builder.

Happy new year!
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Haha! You should be ashamed, both of your book addiction AND the Jimmy purchase! More pointedly, why are you taking time on this forum when you know you should be cheering “Go Blue”? 😉
I would still read books by Ravi Zacharias, his moral failures notwithstanding.

Jimmy Swaggert was/is AOG. So there is that bit of corruption to filter.

My Pentecostal mother loved Swaggert 's preaching. He had a crusade in KC at the time I was dating an RLDS girl (long story) and we went to one of the nights at my mother's behest. I was already a truly re-baptized (denying my first baptism ... 'anabaptist') Southern Baptist.

Mom was praying we would both be 'baptized' in the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues and jumping pews, wanting so much to leap over tall buildings in a single bound herself, though having as yet to rise one inch off the ground. (Mom's just not a fake.)

The night we went one lady in the arena had a Pentecostal spell. (You'll Google that in vain.) Unamplified, she overcame Swaggert 's microphone and theatrical instruments.

His words were, to best of my memory, 'Shove a sock in her mouth if you have to, she is not in the Lord.'

Well, then all 'hell' broke loose.

The crowd was in an uproar. One guy next to me and Tammy was shouting, 'How do YOU know she's not in the LORD?!!'

Throughout the mix of cheers and boos, Swaggert rebuked the booers, pointing his finger in a sweeping gesture, he said, "If you disagree, you're WRONG!"

Only the Arrowhead Stadium could rival the decibal level of a truly evenly balanced mix of cheers and boos that resulted.

And yet, that woman could STILL be heard.

The ushers practically carried the gyrating woman...(she was fat, so it was gross, and not in the least bit sexually attractive...) out of the arena.

After a minute or two, everyone calmed down, and Swaggert continued his program to thunderous applause in the end.

His speech was on Luke 13:16.

And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?
I can't remember much, but I remember it being a message of mercy, and not of sacrifice.

And to his credit, he was only caught with willing participants. He wasn't accused of rape.

Still, he's disqualified. But don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Receive what is profitable, and reject the rest.
I like to study characters/people in the scriptures. So I was at the goodwill store a couple of weeks ago and I found a book on Abraham, a little under 600 pages. Then I saw two more , still in the shrink wrap that they were shipped in on Joseph & Elijah. Then a day later I found one Jacob. But I have to fess up, the writer of the books is.....................................:eek::eek:.................Jimmy Swaggert. Ya, that Jimmy Swaggert. When I went to pay for them, I pulled my hat down over my eyes as far as I could so maybe I wouldn't be recognized. And of course, I took them thru the basement door so I wouldn't hear the wife say " for someone who says you don't need anymore books you sure buy enough, and Jimmy Swaggert to boot". I sorta justified it by thinking, they're only a couple bucks a piece and if I really liked them, I could stick them in the book shelf spine first so no one would know. I just had to get this off my chest. This is just my 2nd snipet in a day of the exciting life and times of Bob the retired tire builder.

Happy new year!

I love a good deal.
And just because the writer messed up along the way, doesn't mean he doesn't have some good thoughts or points in his books about the subject matter he's writing about
Pull your hat above your eyes and enjoy your books.
Happy New Year.
I kept them.............but I'll deny it if I see any of you in person with others around :)
Look, he isn't a perfect individual, but I'm sure he's probably got some good insights in there. Remember, even a broken clock is correct twice a day. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. ;)
I'll fess up again.......when I looked at the book on Abraham, I sorta liked it, but don't tell anybody :)
All this confession, you sure you’re not Catlick?
As long as we're confessing, I still have a Catholic New American Translation that I received while I was in the Service AND an old Dake's Study Bible! (Dake was an old Pentecostal Evangelist)
I kept my first Bible, an NIV, which I bought in 1986!
PLUS: I have several books by John MacArthur which I'm sure drives my friends crazy when they look at my library!
Yes, I truly am a compromiser and a heretick!
Interesting side note: The Catholic Bible was given to me by a priest whose father was an F4 pilot shot down in Vietnam (Laos), his remains never recovered. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Shelton
This priest actively supported a mission to recover his father's remains and is recounted in the book: "Kiss the boys goodbye".
As long as we're confessing, I still have a Catholic New American Translation that I received while I was in the Service AND an old Dake's Study Bible! (Dake was an old Pentecostal Evangelist)
I kept my first Bible, an NIV, which I bought in 1986!
PLUS: I have several books by John MacArthur which I'm sure drives my friends crazy when they look at my library!
Yes, I truly am a compromiser and a heretick!
In the spirit of confession, several years ago, I attended a funeral at a Catholic Church. It was a full on funeral mass. I had never been in a Catholic service and frankly, I was impressed by its form. I was familiar with the songs that were sung; lots of John Michael Talbot. I looked through the worship manual in the pew and other than a bunch of liturgical mumbo jumbo, were many worshipful hymns and praise choruses I was familiar with.

But the thing that impressed me the most was the air of reverence. No one got up and walked around during the service. All the kids sat quietly. I remember thinking that a good many Baptist and CC congregations could learn from these Catholics. I'd love to see a service where such reverence is combined with the solid preaching of the Word. I could stand to learn a bit more reverence myself.

Oh, and the incense they burned smelled pretty nice too.
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In the spirit of confession, several years ago, I attended a funeral at a Catholic Church. It was a full on funeral mass. I had never been in a Catholic service and frankly, I was impressed by its form. I was familiar with the songs that were sung; lots of John Michael Talbot. I looked through the worship manual in the pew and other than a bunch of liturgical mumbo jumbo, were many worshipful hymns and praise choruses I was familiar with.

But the thing that impressed me the most was the air of reverence. No one got up and walked around during the service. All the kids sat quietly. I remember thinking that a good many Baptist and CC congregations could learn from these Catholics. I'd love to see a service where such reverence is combined with the solid preaching of the Word. I could stand to learn a bit more reverence myself.

Oh, and the incense they burned smelled pretty nice too.
As a former Roman Catholic, I'd agree with your assessment. But I am reminded of Romans 10:1-3...

Speaking from experience, most (not all) only show reverence on Sunday morning (including me before being saved).
As long as we're confessing, I still have a Catholic New American Translation that I received while I was in the Service AND an old Dake's Study Bible! (Dake was an old Pentecostal Evangelist)
I kept my first Bible, an NIV, which I bought in 1986!
PLUS: I have several books by John MacArthur which I'm sure drives my friends crazy when they look at my library!
Yes, I truly am a compromiser and a heretick!

Well, I got Karl Barths', Mr neo orthodoxy himself, book on Romans...even some William Barclay books. Also some Wesley/arminian commentaries. :eek: And I even got EAC signer Timothy George's NAC commentary on Galatians.
As a former Roman Catholic, I'd agree with your assessment. But I am reminded of Romans 10:1-3...

Speaking from experience, most (not all) only show reverence on Sunday morning (including me before being saved).
I went to RCC churches and also to Greek Orthodox Churches with my ex-fiance. Very orderly and reverent. I've NEVER been to a Baptist church like that.