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  1. Twisted

    Switching from COVID to SBC. Different Letters - Same Nonsense.

    Tom Brennan posted this on his Facebook page.
  2. Twisted

    Is Brooklyn on Long Island?

    I ask this here as this is the fount of all knowledge. I just spoke to a rep for B&H Photo, who is working from home (due to COVID hysteria), and in asking where she lived she said "Long Island". I responded where, and said "well even Brooklyn is on Long Island" which she said was wrong! So...
  3. Twisted

    "Tarheel. Good in him, there is."

  4. Twisted

    The NEW Mega-Thread for *THE* COVID Evangelist

    All vaccinated. Let the madness continue.
  5. Twisted

    This Sounds So Familiar

    I’ve probably mentioned this before, but if you can find it, read the book written by Pastor Sexton Sr about churches ripping off the offerings of himself and others. This story reminds me of that.
  6. Twisted

    The Wizard of Oz
  7. Twisted

    Hunter Rocks!
  8. Twisted

    If the Shoe Fits...
  9. Twisted

    FREEDOM!!! This is the event:
  10. Twisted

    Starlifter / 16KJV11

    So he hasn't posted since the first of October and what he said then was he was sick with COVID. I am concerned. Does anyone have personal contact with him that can check on his condition?
  11. Twisted

    Let's Go, Brandon!

    Is this like when Bro. Hyles would say "I don't cuss, but if you write it down I'll sign it!"?
  12. Twisted

    The Nazis Have Nothing on the US Government
  13. Twisted

    The Demons Who Haunt George W. Bush

    This one came in the flesh.
  14. Twisted

    It’s Not Just Baptist’s

  15. Twisted

  16. Twisted

    Ron Is Right (Again)
  17. Twisted

    Won’t Somebody Buy Us A Car?

    I really tire of post’s like this. A normal, expected need the majority of us have. We plan for it and sacrifice to get it. But if you’re an “evangelist”, no worries. Just make it known and someone or ones will cough up the dough. This reminds me of another evangelist who would often break...
  18. Twisted

    Navy Man Says NO to Mandatory Vaccine!

  19. Twisted

    The Mutants Are Among Us….And It’s All Because of the Vaxed