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    Letter I sent to SS of the Star Telegraph....

    So, a 3.1% rate of sexually abusing children is OK? That's your standardized limit? Or would you say 4% (a nice round number) is OK? How high would the percentage of abuse have to be for you to be concerned?
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    So Who Has an Answer? A Solution?

    Here's a solution: stop worrying about this present world and concern yourself with the eternal kingdom.  Paul lived under one of the most tyrannical and corrupt governments of all time, and we never see him fretting about political events.
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    Andrew Sluder Agrees with Tom Brennan

    The Bible says that Christians are all member one of another. How did you miss that? And it is because we recognize that the rules for the Church at Corinth apply to all of us, the rules for the Church at Rome apply to all of us, the rules for the Church at Thessalonica apply to us, the rules...
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    IFB Sexual abuse

    When did the SBC repent of its racism? Sincerely asking
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    IFB sexual abuse of children goes to the movies

    Found on Facebook. here is the link, but I am not sure if readers outside of Facebook can follow a lin kto see something posted inside of Facebook. It is posted on Sarah Smith's Timeline, though somebody else posted it. And if you...
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    Johnny Mac - Another Lying Evangelical Pastor

    You must be an IFB pastor, assuming that when I contribute a post to a thread, I am responding specifically to you.
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    Johnny Mac - Another Lying Evangelical Pastor

    Everybody responding, it seems, has a partisan interest in the matter. Either they want to burn MacArthur at the stake, or give him a halo and wings. These questions need to be asked and their answers examined: When did MacArthur first claim to have been with Perkins and Evers and in attendance...
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    Andrew Fuller's Notes and Sermons unlocked - Student cracks theologian's code

    Thank you. I forgot that the invented history of the IFB has nearly obliterated the accurate history of Baptist faith and practice.
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    It's Not Just the IFB

    Still can't figure out how "It's not the IFB" in any way justifies the IFB. It is certainly proved beyond argument that whatever else other devils do, the IFB is guilty and refuses to change.
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    IFB Sexual abuse

    Another evidence that they are disobedient and rebellious against the rule of the Bible.
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    Andrew Fuller's Notes and Sermons unlocked - Student cracks theologian's code

    This is an opportunity to read sermons from Fuller that haven't been preached since his lifetime.  As one of the great pioneers of Baptist missions, Fuller can now be better understood and appreciated.  I think he is the person who coined "Sufficient for all, efficient for the elect."
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    Andrew Fuller's Notes and Sermons unlocked - Student cracks theologian's code
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    It's Not Just the IFB

    But the Baptists who came over here were not independent. They were also Calvinist. Nothing like the IFB.
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    IFB Sexual abuse

    That would have to be the Sword Conference or one of those countless conferences held in the IFB as they defend their independence and then betray their dishonesty. I have discovered that the "independence" of the IFB is a handy garment they can put on and take off as they like. They put it on...
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    Sarah Smith - Ft. Worth Star-Telegram - Nominated for FFF Honorary Doctorate!

    By all means, please provide a breakdown of the statistics. In reality, only 412 cases are KNOWN. The numbers point to far more cases that were more successfully hidden. Keep watching cable.
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    It's Not Just the IFB

    Only because the IFB hasn't been around as long. And coming out the winner in a competition of "who's worse" with the RCC is hardly a good win. Like bragging that you don't gorge on as much p@@p as a dung beetle does.
  17. A caught with hand in cookie jar!

    As a matter of fact I do. In terms of abuses and criminal behavior and the toleration of abuses and criminal behavior, the IFB and SBC are kissin' cuzins
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    It's Not Just the IFB

    So you're saying that 412 victims is an acceptable number of abuse victims and the IFB should not do anything to create a system of safety for children?
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    IFB Sexual abuse

    They've still failed to meet the standard of the Scripture, which requires that the offender be rebuked before all (even in absentia) so that all may fear/respect. Firing somebody is not the same thing as church discipline. Church discipline of fallen elders (pastors) is public, loud, and...
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    FBCH Statement of Child Protection Policy

    A child protection policy has to be more than a self-justification crowned by a boast that "we do background checks." A child protection policy breaks down the action of protecting each child into procedures that must be learned and performed and audited and updated: FOR EXAMPLE: Child...