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    Trump Is A Liberal?

    Interesting take. 🤔
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    Finally Trump Is A RINO

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    The Bee Spares No One
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    Bill Maher - Points For Honesty
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    Abortion, We Are Against It

    Unless we are for it. Because ... political expediency. When politics and policy matter more than principle. Being unequally yoked gets nasty sometimes.
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    My Purpose

    Because I was asked. My purpose is to encourage the brethren to see that their “alignment” with people of low character is having a negative effect upon them, their personal testimony and their effectiveness in sharing the gospel. To point out that we are not called to cooperate with the...
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    John Bolton

    Really doesn’t like the UN.
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    Separation: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

    For what purpose would someone practice separation? Which level is appropriate?
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    Is This Serious or A Joke?

    Here are a couple of options. Hopefully one of them will work for you.
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    Marjorie Taylor Greene For President

    Why not? She isn't a "RINO".
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    Patriot or Pacifist?

    Either works for Uncle Screwtape. "Some ages are lukewarm and complacent, and then it is our business to soothe them yet faster asleep. Other ages, of which the present is one, are unbalanced and prone to faction, and it is our business to...
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    What say ye?
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    Lauren Boebert For President

    It's not like we are electing a pastor or anything. ;)
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    Spiritual Blindness

    2 Corinthians 4:4 English Standard Version 4 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. Luke 23:34 English Standard Version 34 And Jesus said, “Father...
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    Not Your Father's RINO!
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    Liberal Rag Anyway!
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    Campaign Question

    The media has been yakking about the “attack” by Mr. Trump on Nikki Haley’s husband. I haven’t been able to find a full transcript so the context is fuzzy. Essentially the comment was “where’s her husband?” which seems an odd thing to even bring up. Anyone know what the point of the comment was?
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    Humor Is Funny
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    Does Tone Matter?

    The is a group of people in my area who are busy trying to stop the DEI/CRT/Trans promoting forces in the local schools.They identify as Christians wanting to preserve traditional morality. I have a deep sympathy for their position but find myself unable to partner with them mainly due to the...
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    I Am Consistent!

    I found this in my archives. Presented to the congregation of First Baptist Church of Lowell, August 2012: I wonder sometimes if we as believers have lost sight of who our enemy is. Our foe is unseen busily pulling strings and manipulating people around us. We must be careful to understand the...