Church Attendance and Corona Virus


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2013
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The south
Are you still planning on attending church as normal or do you plan to adjust your attendance?

Has your church canceled any meetings or events?

Sorry ALAYMAN I did not see your topic from yesterday.
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I plan to continue to attend church until people in my community are reported to have Covid19.

I do plan to avoid other highly populated areas other than the grocery store.
My church announced yesterday that it was canceling mid-week events such as seniors' meetings, AWANA, etc. No decision has been made yet about canceling services, but I feel that is only a matter of time, unfortunately. Other provinces (though not Ontario, yet) have banned gatherings of more than 250 people, and we're 10 times that size.

And if I hear about an "abundance of caution" one more time, I'm going to lick a men's room door handle.
We decided this afternoon to have our 2 worship services Sunday morning although we are not having our Bible Fellowship Groups (Sunday School).
Similar here--a city of about one million, and so far only three cases that I'm aware of. Granted, one of them is the prime minister's wife, but I'm not likely to come in contact with her.

Nonetheless, the word is in, I've got an . . . abundance of free time this weekend, at least.