David Hyles being sued

Bite me, jackass.
Proverbs 20:11 (KJV)
11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.
You know little or nothing about me. Maybe you should reserve judgment until you can pull your head out of your bottom!
Your words tell me all I need to know.
You are so funny...Short BUS! You know nothing, apparently, TROLL.
Name calling?
Vulgar Profanity?
Says a lot about your character.
Show me the "vulgar" troll...No accusations...accurate observances...besides, you're not worth my time or effort, Short BUS>
Show me the "vulgar" troll...No accusations...accurate observances...besides, you're not worth my time or effort, Short BUS>
"Bite me" is not vulgar? Maybe in your universe...but I talked like that before I got saved.
"Bite me" is not vulgar? Maybe in your universe...but I talked like that before I got saved.
"Bite me" isn't vulgar in ANY universe, unless of course, I would have added a base body part, which I did not. Wow, you sound like a funny mentalist. Grow up and stop being so overly sensitive!
"Bite me" isn't vulgar in ANY universe, unless of course, I would have added a base body part, which I did not. Wow, you sound like a funny mentalist. Grow up and stop being so overly sensitive!
I had a red ant “bite me” today! 😬
I seldom if ever use the "ignore" function. For me, engaging these idiots is the only way to deal with them.
I’m pretty sure Bob Jones V was referring to using the “ignore feature” towards you.
If he was, he's free to use it. I couldn't care less. Won't hurt me feelin's a bit, ol' boy! ;) Me Irish is showin' thru these days.