Easily one of the best sermons I've heard in a while, God is moving!


Jan 18, 2020
Reaction score
Saw this and was immediately moved to share it. So much sound doctrine delivered in one powerful sermon. Not all of Lawson's sermons get me to react by sharing them, but this one did.

This does illustrate how one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
  • Praying
Reactions: UGC
Notice how these guys have done nothing but attack men of God,
No, just Peter Ruckman, your dead and unlamented (except by idots) cult leader, who is presently enjoying his second career as worm crap.
Good to know you've finally reached that stage of childhood development where you love playing with feces. Maybe with time, Mommy can teach you not to hurt girls. (Too bad Dead Cult Leader Petey's mom never taught him that lesson. He just kept smearing poop on his books, chalkboards, YouTube...)
your Anti-Ruckman obsession
By "Ruckman," you mean Peter Ruckman, your dead and unlamented (except by idots) cult leader, who is presently enjoying his second career as worm crap, correct? I thought I'd just clarify that since apparently you neglected to quote it, last time.
Anyone remember this classic?
We are UGC, a video Bible Study and Podcast network sharing sound doctrine and Biblical perspectives on the cultural war.

Not to mention "easily distracted."

So much for "bilbical perspectives on the cultural war." UG--and it's never clear whether we're talking to Brother James, Brother Abraham, or his seven sons, sir--basically decided to declare war on rational discourse. Not to mention beating a retreat from some simple questions that was so hasty, the French started muttering about cowardice.

LOL @ the Dim-amic Duo.
Seems like UGC still hasn't learned his lesson. When you are in a deep hole, quit digging. :)
Oh we're still going and God's still moving.

You two basement trolls keep doing nothing except lie in wait for any chance to attack Baptist Pastors or Teachers who are spreading truth.

Everyone who has thoroughly read through these threads can see what you're doing.

In regards to "the man of God" you exhibit classic Ruckmanism. Attacks on pastors who disagree with Ruckman's odd way of thinking are fair game for ridicule and derision. However, when it comes to a Ruckmanite, all must bow before the "man of God". Just because a man self proclaims to be a pastor does not make it so. Does he meet the Biblical standards of being a pastor? Does he have the fruit of the Spirit? And if he is one so inclined to make predictions regarding the future, did those predictions come to pass? These are some Biblical tests that will help one to determine if they are following the real thing or a fraud.
In regards to "the man of God" you exhibit classic Ruckmanism.
Other than pertaining to Ransom who's obsessed with him, where was Ruckman mentioned in this thread? The original topic was a sermon vid by Charles Lawson, who is not a "Ruckmanite".

Do you mean the video of our 21st podcast, which is the first time we mentioned Ruckman?

So 20 podcasts with no mention of the Doc and we're "Ruckmanites"? What happened to Charles Ryrie + all the rest of the Classic Dispensationalists and the Mid-Acts guys? You guys are obsessed with smear campaigning Ruckman.

This tells me he must have done something right to still have crazed trolls chasing him even after he's passed on. Spiritual warfare no doubt. That "Baton Pass" Sweep worked better than I thought.
Other than pertaining to Ransom who's obsessed with him, where was Ruckman mentioned in this thread? The original topic was a sermon vid by Charles Lawson, who is not a "Ruckmanite".

Do you mean the video of our 21st podcast, which is the first time we mentioned Ruckman?

So 20 podcasts with no mention of the Doc and we're "Ruckmanites"? What happened to Charles Ryrie + all the rest of the Classic Dispensationalists and the Mid-Acts guys? You guys are obsessed with smear campaigning Ruckman.

This tells me he must have done something right to still have crazed trolls chasing him even after he's passed on. Spiritual warfare no doubt. That "Baton Pass" Sweep worked better than I thought.
There you go with your baton again. Perhaps there were one or two other posts on this forum that slightly suggested you were a follower of Ruckman. Since you are not, are you in agreement that he was unqualified according to the Bible and near insane with some of his views? You will notice I did not mention any of the other dispensationalists. Most did not hold the same view on dispensations as Ruckman. I know of nothing that disqualifies any of them from the ministry (excepting Scofield-if you include him in your list). No one is saying I must submit to any of these other men as a "man of God".
Perhaps there were one or two other posts on this forum that slightly suggested you were a follower of Ruckman. Since you are not
So you either have to be a "Ruckmanite" or not a follower of Ruckman? Why is it an off or on switch? Many people who think like that prob don't have good relationships with people irl.

People are all different: you'll find things you like or agree with them and things you don't to varying degrees. Why is it either you're in someone's "cult" or you're against them? If you approach dealing with people like that irl you might have a good friend one minute and the moment they do something you really don't like they'll become your enemy. This is childish crazy thinking.

are you in agreement that he was unqualified according to the Bible and near insane with some of his views?
No and no. We already settled that in the other thread.

Most did not hold the same view on dispensations as Ruckman.
Where did you hear this? Ruckman is doctrinally in between the Classical Dispens and the Mid-Acts Dispens: if you take all Dispensationalists into account: he's actually somewhere in the middle while sharing some disagreements with Classic Dispens.
Signs of a Ruckmanite:
1. They all say, "I'm not a Ruckmanite, but . . . "
2. They are abusive bullies and control freaks. That explains the "decrees" that we must all "submit" to their favorite cult leader. They are not content to tell you what books and Bible versions you must or must not read - they want lots more than that.. They want to run your whole life. The typical Ruckmanite pastor will tell his followers how to dress themselves and wear their hair. They will not allow women to ever wear slacks, even around the house. They control where their members attend school and college. They breed their followers like cattle - they control the dating and marriages in their congregations. They dictate your political views and tell you who to vote for. They take everything to insane extremes, not just the AV1611 issue but also dictatorial preacher rule, speculative date-setting prophecy, the whole shebang. Ruckmanism is just another mutation (not the only one) of the blight of Control Religion and of the whip-cracking dominance of the clergy over the laity. If you like the Ruckmanite version of Control Religion and want a clergy bully to abuse you and run your whole life for you, then go ahead and join a Ruckmanite church and drink their Kool-Aid. Maybe Mr. Ugh can refer you to such a church in your neighborhood.
In regards to "the man of God" you exhibit classic Ruckmanism. Attacks on pastors who disagree with Ruckman's odd way of thinking are fair game for ridicule and derision. However, when it comes to a Ruckmanite, all must bow before the "man of God".
If any man question the character, knowledge, or integrity of the Pope of Pensacola, let him be anathema!

Got to admit though, it's been years since we had a psycho-fundy on the forum that was so engorged on the Kool-Aid that he turned a permanent shade of purple like Violet Beauregard.
So you either have to be a "Ruckmanite" or not a follower of Ruckman?

Yes, Ruckmanite literally means a follower of Ruckman, much the way Christian means follower of Christ. A Lutheran is a follower of Luther's teachings, A Wesleyan is a follower of the teachings of John Wesley. If you stand behind Ruckmanism than don't be shy proclaim it.
People are all different: you'll find things you like or agree with them and things you don't to varying degrees. Why is it either you're in someone's "cult" or you're against them? If you approach dealing with people like that irl you might have a good friend one minute and the moment they do something you really don't like they'll become your enemy. This is childish crazy thinking.

It just tends to be that way with cultish leaders. For instance I would not call myself a supporter of Jim Jones even though he was strongly anti-racist. That's actually how he started getting his following. This one good quality does not make up for all the crazy and evil with him. Like I said there are plenty of dispensationalists of varying degrees. Many I would consider excellent Bible teachers even if disagree on certain points.
Most of the "attacks" on Rucky here have consisted of quotes of things that Rucky himself said. I don't understand why the fanatical "I'm not a Ruckmanite" Ruckmanites would have a problem with that. Since we all have to "submit" to Rucky, we need to know that we are going to be following a cult leader who was a false prophet and racist, who publicly rejected the authority of the original manuscripts of the Bible as given directly by God, who endorsed anti-Baptist teachers like Bullinger and J.C. O'Hair (they taught that water baptism is "not for today)," who taught that abortion is not murder, who taught that all women would be turned into men at the Rapture. Don't we have a right to know what we are getting into, before we sign up for the cult and drink the Kool-Aid?
No, you're just blue-pilled. And you had a sour experience. I have good relationships with people irl, some of them more "alpha", some softer spoken, and everywhere in between, from different cultures and locations. In general I don't get along with staunch leftists who only come at life from that social bubble (but that's honestly a smaller number in the grand scope).

Here's the real "Ruckmanite" scale (created for dire demand by UGC), we simply compared it to Yelp reviews:

would rate Ruckman 5 stars. Their pastor most likely graduated from PBI. I personally have little experience irl with these folks, so I can't judge them.
Ruckman Readers (RR): 4 stars. They actually read a book of his (yes, the whole book), then a few more + aren't fearful of Anti-Ruckmanites in public. (UGC is here)
No one: 3 stars. It's impossible to be neutral with Ruckman. It's Ruckman.
Ruckman Avoiders (RA): 2 stars. Most people are here.
Anti-Ruckmanites: 1 star (this scale doesn't allow for 0 stars because 3 needs to be in the middle). Bad experience ex-IFB, kids once bullied, men depriving themselves of their own testosterone go here. The 1-stars are very powerful. This is because Ruckman gives them something they never had before: the feeling of being accepted and understood by a team. Only Ruckman can bring a group of church soy boys together as their perfect outlet for their haunted pasts. He reminds them of the quarterback who dated 3 of the girls they had a crush on in high school while stuffing them in a locker every day, except they can attack him with no remorse because 1. well it's the internet, but more importantly 2. he's a Christian Bible teacher who doesn't act soft "like he's supposed to", so they can tear into him shamelessly, blinded to the fact that they've now become what they're attacking. It is the ultimate cheat mode: all of the feelings of reward with none of the work or danger required to actually be Ruckman, or a Ruckmanite, or an RR... and when the feeling of elation goes unchecked long enough, it transforms their egos into Super-Saiyan Anti-Ruckmanites (SSARs, pronounced like the virus) with which they unleash their special move: the diarrhea spew. This move carries no regard for logic or the humanity of the opponent, it hinges exclusively on lying and twisting all things with the sole purpose of making the Ruckmanite or the RR look as horrible as possible. They must project and protect this imaginary culture on everyone around them at all costs: for if the world ever knew that Ruckman, Ruckmanites, and RR's (a.k.a. Rest & Relaxationists in the face of SSARs as we really don't care) weren't as bad as the SSARs need them to be, their entire social construct would fall and they would lose the only team identity they ever had. Their cult would be destroyed.

So...is this more of you denying being Ruckmanite while defending him?
Yes, Larry, Curly and Moe clearly treasure each other's mentally challenged comments.
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It's OK. We all know you got bullied before flunking high school so the forums are now your only way to hide and exact revenge out on the world.

Notice how these guys have done nothing but attack men of God, while I've done nothing but vouch for the good you can learn from them and share the Biblical knowledge they have with the community. What a shame.

OK. You have convinced me...
I is now one of them Ruckmanites.
I also now believe the earth is flat

Oh! And the moon landing was faked.