

Nov 6, 2016
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I accidentally found this site when looking up something about an Amy Grant record I got and couldn't help but dive into whatever prompted "amy grant atheist" to be the first result.

Some stuff about myself:

  • Christian (aren't I special?)
  • 18
  • Student
  • Asperger's syndrome (I don't really make an effort to put this out there, but I feel the need to put it here because I have the social awareness of a walnut)
  • Not heterosexual, not proud of it either. Looking to clean up my act, at least somewhat
  • Music liker
  • Aspiring jawbonist (this doesn't mean I talk a lot)
  • Thrift shop enthusiast
  • I should have been sleeping when I wrote this

The site looks interesting from what I've seen so far, but could anyone lay out for my what this place is actually about? The title sort of confuses me on whether it's for/against fundamentalism. Anyways, I'll be getting that rest I needed, and I'll look at this tomorrow. Thanks!

This site is populated by quite a range of beliefs.

Most of the people here have experienced, to one degree or another the flawed (my opinion) ministry of Jack Hyles, First Baptist Church Hammond, and/or Hyles Anderson College.  The most active posting revolves around HAC stuff.

In my opinion, most of the people who post here are still basically fundamental in their beliefs, but have rejected the "performance-based Christianity" taught by so many fundamentalist leaders.

By "performance-based Christianity" I mean the teaching (either explicit, or - more often- implicit) that certain "important" actions make a person spiritual.  Usually these actions are tithing, soul-winning, and church attendance.  So many have known people who did these things, and were honored by leadership for being "spiritual", but, in they actually lived a whore-mongering lifestyle.  There is more to Christianity than just those three things, and what a spiritual person does flows from the fact that he is spiritual - he does them because he IS spiritual, not in order to become spiritual.

In fact, those "big three" I mentioned are all under attack in various ways.  Some people here (many?) do not believe that tithing is for today. Some people here (many?) attack the current methods of soul-winning.  There have also been discussions about having a "house-church" and not attending a traditional church service.

I hope this tiny overview is helpful.

Welcome again!

There are a myriad of belief systems here. I was a strict Fundamentalist from infancy to my late 20's when I became Evangelical. From there (now at the age of 50), I have abandoned the Evangelical label because I choose to take on being a "follower of Christ". Personally, I think they were relatively close at one point but in this country and age, at least, I feel they have differentiated themselves with mainstream churches (Fundamentalist and Evangelical alike) using bully pulpits, creating power structures and supporting political agendas with don't bear any likeness of the teachings of Christ. My view of the Scriptures are different as well as I choose to run 62 of the books through the 4 Synoptic Gospels, specifically the red letters.

Glad you joined and looking forward to your posts!
