Honor the pronouns, or else


Well-known member
May 17, 2021
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Western Hemisphere

If we expand our scrutiny to various corners of the collapsing West, symptoms of self-destruction are metastasizing. There are “gender doctors” who wish to diagnose parents who oppose their children’s sterilization and bodily mutilation as suffering from “mental illness.” U.K. police recently threatened a man standing on his own property for telling a bunch of pro-Hamas activists waving foreign flags, “This is England!” His crime? Apparently, correctly identifying his homeland is now deemed “racist.” A former Mexican congressman has been convicted of “gendered violence” for refusing to accede to a male lawmaker’s delusional belief that he is actually a woman.
Los Angeles is hiring foreign nationals in the country illegally to police U.S. citizens. Canada is well on its way to criminalizing Christianity and conservative speech. Daycares in Germany have shockingly adopted “sex rooms” for curious toddlers. The Biden regime is locking up journalists for daring to report the truth about the J6 protest for fair elections.
Amid all these symptoms suggesting impending Western death, Hanson and Prager offer sober predictions: the future will bring upheaval, pain, and violence. If that is the case, then the task before us is twofold: we must do our best to save America (as the peoples of other Western nations must work to save their own), and we must prepare for a new beginning on the other side of chaos. If the worst were to really happen and the Union collapses, then it is essential to know what we want going forward.
I am not prone to a chicken little approach to our moral decay but this OP article made my blood boil.
I am not prone to a chicken little approach to our moral decay but this OP article made my blood boil.
and the really ironic thing about all this is that the people pushing it all make up a very small minority of the people in any country... including our own...... ..so why are they being given so much power?... ... sarah cain adressed this in a recent article
...she use to be on youtube as the crusader gal... . but she got banned and kicked off the same time lifesite news was....

and the really ironic thing about all this is that the people pushing it all make up a very small minority of the people in any country... including our own...... ..so why are they being given so much power?... ... sarah cain adressed this in a recent article
...she use to be on youtube as the crusader gal... . but she got banned and kicked off the same time lifesite news was....

Excellent five minute read.
and the really ironic thing about all this is that the people pushing it all make up a very small minority of the people in any country... including our own...... ..so why are they being given so much power?... ... sarah cain adressed this in a recent article
...she use to be on youtube as the crusader gal... . but she got banned and kicked off the same time lifesite news was....

"It is only with a Christian morality, an appreciation of heroes, promotion of virtues, and a stalwart community that we can build a culture. None of it happens overnight..." or without a fight.