Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Narrative is Bombing

This would NOT surprise me in the least. Wouldn't surprise me if the Clinton's and/or the Obama's were involved.

Democrats have strained to make the case that January 6, 2021, was a violent “insurrection,” even resorting to false claims such as that police officers were murdered to make their case. But they have gone out of their way to avoid the one incident that would seemingly best make their point — the two purported pipe bombs outside the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee.
Now a Republican lawmaker who pored over thousands of hours of video footage and other evidence from January 6 alleges that the bombs may have been planted with the involvement of law enforcement. He believes Democrats have backed off from the incidents for fear that the truth would be discovered.
“This is an ongoing coverup at this point,” Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky), a member of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, told The Daily Wire. “If there were indeed two operable pipe bombs, that would be the biggest threat that existed on January 6 … It doesn’t make any sense why they wouldn’t be promoting that threat to advance that narrative unless they had something to do with the pipe bombs and they’re trying to memory-hole the whole thing to avoid embarrassment.”