Preterism: Phony as a Chevy Mustang!


Dec 28, 2018
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    What is preterism? The word is from the Latin "praeter", meaning 'before'.  It's the view that all Biblical prophecy has already been fulfilled. While it'd been around, from a few individuals in ancient times, it was popularized by a Spanish jesuit named Luis De Alcazar, whi was trying to keep the pope from being labeled as the beast/antichrist.

  Full prets believe every last prophecy has already come to pass, while partial prets believe all has happened except the return of Jesus. HOWEVER, BOTH VIEWS ARE COMPLETELY FALSE!


  Well, it's quite-obvious that the supernatural exchatological events such as the great trib have NOT yet happened, nor has Jesus returned in the manner HE HIMSELF prophesied. The Revelation gives us a description of some of the events of the trib, especially Chapter 16. Ch. 13 gives us a brief description of the coming 'beast' & his sidekick, the false prophet. Again, it's very-obvious these men have NOT yet been made manifest!

  Paul said Jesus won't return til after the beast  sits in the temple & proclaims himself God. Well, that temple isn't yet built! And no one did any such thing in the old temple!  And, when Jesus DOES return, the beast & the FP will be cast alive into gehenna. So, the beast from the sea & the beast from the earth (Rev. 13) MUST already be here before Jesus returns!

  As for partial preterism, JESUS HIMSELF proves it false. Matt. 24:29 ?Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

  So, we see Jesus prophesied a great cosmological disturbance to occur IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE GREAT TRIB, during which He shall return. Obviously, this has NOT yet happened!

  So, Sportzz fanzz, I believe we can consign preterism to the garbage can of other false doctrines such as "faith/prosperity, mariolatry, salvation by worx, KJVO", etc.
Will the continents be merged together or how will every human on Earth be able to see Jesus coming from the clouds at the same time, considering that the Earth is spherical? How will someone from Northern Europe and someone from Southern Australia be able to see Jesus in the clouds at the same time?
  Consider this, Lucian :  right now, the major TV networx can show any event on earth to the whole world at once, live, as it's happening, as they recently did the royal wedding in Britain. If MAN can do this, how much more can GOD do ? ?
Rev. 1:7"Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen."
  The same Almighty God who can make something from nothing, including us, can easily accomplish this.
  Here's a simple but fail-proof  test for the veracity and legitimacy of preterism that anyone who can read this post can do: Look in any good, reliable, unbiased reference book of world history, such as Encyclopaedia Britannica  to see if the events I posted in the Bible verses above have already occurred or not. If you can't find any **PROOF/EVIDENCE/DOCUMENTATION** that these events have already happened, then preterism is false, simple as THAT !