Timeline of Peter Ruckman's Life

The roast has arrived!
"Eat my flamethrower!" he cries,
waving one around.

Suddenly, his mom
Slaps the flashlight from his hand.
"Dear, that's not a toy."
Setting the humor aside for a min,

We just addressed Lordship Salvation, Repentance, and KJV-Onlyism in our latest podcast:

Not gonna lie. This one does get good.
And it starts with a hatred of submission to preachers who don't appeal to your self-righteous "repent of sins for salvation" accursed Gospel.

You're not my pastor.
No need to "submit" to you,
you moronic twit.
So we have to submit to Ruckman, that wacko who taught that women would be changed into men at the Rapture? I'm glad we got that clarified.

"...all women in the church age receiving (sic) 33 year old male bodies at the rapture. Peter Ruckman, The Unknown Bible, pp 98-99.
This whole business of demanding that we completely submit to any preacher, Ruckman or anyone else, is part of what is wrong with fundamentalism today. and it explains why so many people avoid preachers that they believe, rightly or wrongly, may try to bully them and demand their "submission."
Uh, I'm pretty sure the majority position held by the church across numerous denominations is that we will be neither in terms of reproductive organs with our heavenly bodies, however if Ruckman thinks it's male perhaps since Adam was originally made in the image of God, I see absolutely zero extremism with this interpretation, even if I disagree with him there.

Apparently, now
"majority position"
means "utter garbage."

The man was 95% genius 5% eccentric artist-type.

If you'll excuse me
I must visit the bathroom
To make a genius.
LOL. It's funny that
UGgy thinks I'm trying to
debate, and not mock.

Maybe if you had
non-retarded ideas.
Bless your pointy head.
This whole business of demanding that we completely submit to any preacher, Ruckman or anyone else, is part of what is wrong with fundamentalism today.

Oooo, yes, this "whole business" of submission, that evil unbiblical "demanding" concept.

Mark 10:44: "And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all." (kind of like how I continue to serve you numbskulls the truth in concern for your souls and the Baptist representation of the Gospel when I could easily walk away)

Ephesians 5:21: "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God."

and it explains why so many people avoid preachers that they believe, rightly or wrongly, may try to bully them and demand their "submission."

2 Timothy 4:4-6: "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."

Not every IFB group is Jack Hyles and the Trailer park bullies. I don't agree with IFBers on things like music, amish dress or their isolationist tendencies, but I don't marginalize everyone who shares disagreements with me either. It's important to have wisdom and discernment to weigh the good and the bad.
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Boys speaking in such terms have never been on a team of men.

Break through your "everyone gets a trophy" effeminized brainwashing.

The Most High

Same guy:



And you had big brother eyes in the house to know it was him who was unfaithful and not the other way around?

So you're the judge in the bedroom. Maybe we should raid yours next. I'd like to ask your wife how you are when things get heated.

Always easy to be the one in the seat of scorners (Psalm 1), to sit in judgment of Pastors who had sound doctrine, wow. Must feel elating!

So I see the KJV saying "husband of one wife" Does your version say "husband of one wife unless..."?

I'm not sitting in judgement of anyone I'm leaving that to the KJV-what's your standard?