Waste of a degree


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Aug 11, 2016
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I attended TBC from 89-93 and earned a Bachelors in Secondary Education. Following that I worked for a couple years before joining the Air Force in 1995. I had aspirations to become an officer but found out that as my degree was unaccredited, I wasn't really eligible to apply. I contacted TBC because during a chapel service during my time there Dr. Davis stated (and this has been confirmed by others there that day) that current students during the TRACS accreditation process would have their degrees retroactively accredited. Well, that didn't happen, and TBC denied that had ever been said. Eventually they admitted that might have been said, but that TRACS was the overriding authority on that and he didn't have the authority to make such a statement.

Since then my degree has been essentially worthless because unless I was willing to work for peanuts in a Christian school that MIGHT accept the degree, an unaccredited degree doesn't do a thing for me. I eventually earned a Masters in Criminal Justice degree that trumps the degree from TBC. Just want to say that anyone who supports that kind of blatant lying should have their head examined. I think highly of those faculty who had no part in that (Dr. Shafer, Dr. Cash to name a couple) but to do something like that and still consider yourself a Christian college calls your college into reproach and brings shame to what you say you stand for. Not my two cents...basic fact.
How did you get a Masters without a Bachelor's from an accredited school?
Its not wasted if you learned something. Though it doesn't have much value with the world ( and it wont) if you learned some spiritual truths and learned some good habits to follow and observed some bad habits to avoid then it was worth it.  :)
I guess he learned not to let is kids go to an unaccredited college even if the man of God said they should go. As far as an unaccredited college degree getting into a graduate school, it depends on the graduate school.

PCC engineering graduates are able to get into graduate schools, PSU, Clemson and others. But for those PCC engineering graduate who want to get a professional engineer state license they are likely out of luck. Just like the young man here who wanted to get in to the air force OCS his TBC degree was not worth the paper it was written on. So it depends on what you want to do in life, but if the college says you should be ok with our degree, that is a shame. Again the faculty counselors should be up to speed on career paths for their students.

BJU has gotten ABET for their engineering students and SACSCOC Candidate status for the university. PCC got CCNE for their nursing students. They need to apply for ABET.

Unlike TBC which was founded as a bible college just as Liberty, PCC and BJU were, those school refused to stay in that mold but instead broke out to education christians to be in other fields and careers to make an impact upon the world.

TBC needs to get out of that mold or they will  go the route of PBBC, TTU, Northland International and CCC. You have to grow and add more majors then just bible, music and education today to attract students.

The days of bible colleges started by local churchs are over.
Someone at PCC must have read my previous post.  :)

I worked in "Maintenance Engineering Technical Support" as a Technical Writer for "The Boeing Company" withe a degree from Hyles Anderson College!
They didn't care if my degree was accredited or not! :D
16KJV11 said:
I worked in "Maintenance Engineering Technical Support" as a Technical Writer for "The Boeing Company" withe a degree from Hyles Anderson College!
They didn't care if my degree was accredited or not! :D

But was that a deciding factor in you getting the job?  I would think it would have been from your outstanding work ethic and amazing natural abilities.
rhetenhouser said:
I attended TBC from 89-93 and earned a Bachelors in Secondary Education. Following that I worked for a couple years before joining the Air Force in 1995. I had aspirations to become an officer but found out that as my degree was unaccredited, I wasn't really eligible to apply. I contacted TBC because during a chapel service during my time there Dr. Davis stated (and this has been confirmed by others there that day) that current students during the TRACS accreditation process would have their degrees retroactively accredited. Well, that didn't happen, and TBC denied that had ever been said. Eventually they admitted that might have been said, but that TRACS was the overriding authority on that and he didn't have the authority to make such a statement.

Since then my degree has been essentially worthless because unless I was willing to work for peanuts in a Christian school that MIGHT accept the degree, an unaccredited degree doesn't do a thing for me. I eventually earned a Masters in Criminal Justice degree that trumps the degree from TBC. Just want to say that anyone who supports that kind of blatant lying should have their head examined. I think highly of those faculty who had no part in that (Dr. Shafer, Dr. Cash to name a couple) but to do something like that and still consider yourself a Christian college calls your college into reproach and brings shame to what you say you stand for. Not my two cents...basic fact.

If you went during those years you might have known my little sister and her now ex-husband. My sister was Rebecca (Becky) Lanius, and my ex BIL is Steve Beal.