Virginia Mollenkott has died

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Staff member
Jan 25, 2012
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Actually, she died about a month ago, but it's apparently only become public now.

Mollenkott, you may recall, was an English stylist for the NIV before it was well known that she was a lesbian, causing KJV nuts to wax prolific, if not particularly eloquent, about how the translation was pro-gay (as if one English professor could control the direction of an entire biblical translation committee). Her book Is the Homosexual My Neighbour?, co-authored with Leah Scanzoni, was one of the seminal "evangelical" defenses of homosexual relations as a lawful sexuality. As Al Mohler put it just a few moments ago, Mollenkott was a "huge influence for rejecting biblical truth."

Welp. She has received the due penalty of her errors now.
She was a "switch-hitter", having been married to a man & having at least 1 son.

And she was used as a CONSULTANT in English style by the NIV makers, on a part-time "as needed" basis. She did no translating & was not a member of the NIV-making committee. Her role was quite-minor in its making, & once her orientation was discovered by the committee, they didn't use her again.
She was a "switch-hitter", having been married to a man & having at least 1 son.

And she was used as a CONSULTANT in English style by the NIV makers, on a part-time "as needed" basis. She did no translating & was not a member of the NIV-making committee. Her role was quite-minor in its making, & once her orientation was discovered by the committee, they didn't use her again.
Wodustra on the OT committee ,who was a homosexual ,had influence that is why sodomite got changed to temple prostitute IMO .Homosexuals prefer to be called gay when actually they are sodomites.
Wodustra on the OT committee ,who was a homosexual ,
You don’t have google ? I don’t like being a secretary.
My point exactly. Googling "marten woudstra homosexual" brings up many KJV-only sites making the accusation, but no credible documentation. This has been true for years.

Unverified accusations are no better than libel.
My point exactly. Googling "marten woudstra homosexual" brings up many KJV-only sites making the accusation, but no credible documentation. This has been true for years.

Unverified accusations are no better than libel.
From an anti-KJVonly site...

As some would point out, the real offender of corruption is Dr. Marten Woudstra. To be fair to the critics, Dr. Woudstra did eventually come out as a homosexual. However, he has no publications addressing the matter. He has very few public mentions of the topic and he was not known to have a “partner”. Of the known homosexual Christians in the academic world, from the 70’s, Woudstra was the least vocal on the subject. Link
The assertion is still undocumented. Same problem.
True enough, I just assumed (not good, I know) that by the nature (and seemingly plausible credibility of the site author's writings) that it is verifiable, but you're right, nothing official is verifiable by the claim therein.
You don’t have google ? I don’t like being a secretary.
If you're going to hurl an accusation, you should be willing to back it up. It doesn't make you a secretary but does help to keep you honest.
I don’t like being a secretary.
And this is the whole problem to your approach to anything. You're lazy.

As this post of yours shows, you're too lazy to support your own assertions with evidence. You expect us to do your research for you.

As the John 3:16 thread shows, you're too lazy to properly understand your opponents' positions. You throw out a bunch of fake Calvinist claims, and expect the real Calvinists to answer for them.

Kind of makes me wonder why anyone should listen to you at all.
So any site that is not liberal is automatically wrong ?
Dr. Woudstra, who died in the early 1990s, was a long-time friend of Evangelicals Concerned Inc. This organisation was founded in 1976 by New York psychologist, Dr. Ralph Blair, as a nation-wide task force and fellowship for gay and lesbian 'evangelical Christians' and their friends. ECI's address is 311 East 72nd Street, New York, NY 10021. They can be found on the internet at

"It was during a series of research phone calls to Dr. Blair that I first confirmed the fact of Dr. Woudstra's homosexuality. Blair and Dr. Woudstra were friends. Dr. Woudstra had been on the mailing list of Evangelicals Concerned from its inception, and although he had no formal ties with ECI, on one of his many trips to New York he called in and had tea with Dr. Blair. Dr Blair told me that Dr. Woudstra shared the viewpoint of ECI that lifelong 'loving monogamous relationships' between gay men or women were acceptable to God. He believed that there was nothing in the Old Testament (his special area of technical expertise) that corresponded to 'homosexual orientation'. The 'sodomy' of the OT simply involved temple rites and gang rape (Gen 19). Notice the similarity between this view and that of Virginia Mollenkott. Dr. Blair clearly stated to me on the phone on 23rd September 1997 that Dr. Woudstra, a lifelong bachelor, was a homosexual. He intimated that other members of the NIV translation committee were also quietly supportive of ECI, but he was not able to tell me who they were (for obvious reasons). He later called them 'bigger' names than Dr. Woudstra.
If you're going to hurl an accusation, you should be willing to back it up. It doesn't make you a secretary but does help to keep you honest.
Virginia was an open lesbian, which she wrote about.Again if you want to know google it it’s there.
And this is the whole problem to your approach to anything. You're lazy.

As this post of yours shows, you're too lazy to support your own assertions with evidence. You expect us to do your research for you.

As the John 3:16 thread shows, you're too lazy to properly understand your opponents' positions. You throw out a bunch of fake Calvinist claims, and expect the real Calvinists to answer for them.

Kind of makes me wonder why anyone should listen to you at all.
And this is the whole problem to your approach to anything. You're lazy.

As this post of yours shows, you're too lazy to support your own assertions with evidence. You expect us to do your research for you.

As the John 3:16 thread shows, you're too lazy to properly understand your opponents' positions. You throw out a bunch of fake Calvinist claims, and expect the real Calvinists to answer for them.

Kind of makes me wonder why anyone should listen to you at all.
Since I actually researched the accusations( unlike those that want to be spoon fed) it seems if you wanted the facts you would do the same. Do others read scripture for you, or do you only go by others study of scripture ?
So any site that is not liberal is automatically wrong ?

I didn't use the word "wrong." You're also too lazy to read carefully.

They can be found on the internet at

LOL. No they can't. You didn't even bother to verify that link, did you? Lazy, lazy, lazy.

Since I actually researched the accusations

A secondary source with a dead link that you clearly didn't check for yourself doesn't count as "research."
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And this is the whole problem to your approach to anything. You're lazy.

As this post of yours shows, you're too lazy to support your own assertions with evidence. You expect us to do your research for you.

As the John 3:16 thread shows, you're too lazy to properly understand your opponents' positions. You throw out a bunch of fake Calvinist claims, and expect the real Calvinists to answer for them.

Kind of makes me wonder why anyone should listen to you at all.
What's the matter? Are you too lazy to even write your own rebuttal?
Ditto served its purpose, lol. I know how sodomite got changed to temple prostitutes in the NIV. Homosexuals do not like being called what they actually are I.e. abomination and reprobate( Romans1).
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