New Blog


Well-known member
Staff member
Jan 22, 2022
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Clarkston WA

This blog has been in the works for some time. This evening, I have finally pulled the trigger on it. It is a work in progress; there are bound to be several iterations of it but such as it is, here it is.

This blog has been in the works for some time. This evening, I have finally pulled the trigger on it. It is a work in progress; there are bound to be several iterations of it but such as it is, here it is.
No time to read blogs, I prefer podcasts while I drive or fly, but I will make time to give it a look.
I seldom read blogs, but will make it a point to look into this one from time to time. Being a writer and former blogger myself, I still respect people who put in the honest effort and have viable information that could be of a benefit to others. Blessings, Brother acaines.
I seldom read blogs, but will make it a point to look into this one from time to time. Being a writer and former blogger myself, I still respect people who put in the honest effort and have viable information that could be of a benefit to others. Blessings, Brother acaines.
I have been told many times over the years that I have a gift in this area. I figure I should be about developing it and use it for His glory. Thank you for your kind words. Please pray that I will do as I need and let God use it as He wants.
May you accomplish your goal and glorify Him as you begin this new blog.