New President at Providence Replaces Keith Gomez


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Jan 1, 2019
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I noticed that Keith Gomez has stepped down as President of Providence Baptist College and as pastor of Northwest Bible Baptist Church in Elgin, Illinois. The new pastor/president is Phil Cavanaugh, who has worked with Pastor Gomez as co-pastor since 2016. Keith Gomez is still on the staff as an instructor.

Providence Baptist College - Staff & Faculty
I noticed that Keith Gomez has stepped down as President of Providence Baptist College and as pastor of Northwest Bible Baptist Church in Elgin, Illinois. The new pastor/president is Phil Cavanaugh, who has worked with Pastor Gomez as co-pastor since 2016. Keith Gomez is still on the staff as an instructor.

Providence Baptist College - Staff & Faculty
Keith Gomez is no spring chicken. Probably just time to retire.
Keith Gomez is no spring chicken. Probably just time to retire.
Why should he retire if he is still able and the college still wishes him to be on staff? Nothing wrong with that whatsoever! Granted, I don't know the man personally, but, I've heard a lot about him...Still, it doesn't sound like he's lost his marbles yet! :)
Why should he retire if he is still able and the college still wishes him to be on staff? Nothing wrong with that whatsoever! Granted, I don't know the man personally, but, I've heard a lot about him...Still, it doesn't sound like he's lost his marbles yet! :)
I'm probably 20 years younger than he and I've already lost half of mine. The rest are just rolling about in my cavernous cranium.
I'm probably 20 years younger than he and I've already lost half of mine. The rest are just rolling about in my cavernous cranium.
Oh, then you're still a "youngster," eh?
Never fear, Keith Gomez has left behind his legacy - the menagerie of animals he has killed, in the campus atrium - a whole herd of antelope, some bears and at least one giraffe, Oh My. Click this link to "Take a tour of the campus atrium, home to a world-class collection of taxidermy, creating a unique outdoorsman atmosphere." I'll say it's unique - I'll bet no other IFB college in America has a display like this. Nothing else says IFB like a dead giraffe gracing your school lobby.

Providence Baptist College Atrium Animals Tour
I noticed that Keith Gomez has stepped down as President of Providence Baptist College and as pastor of Northwest Bible Baptist Church in Elgin, Illinois. The new pastor/president is Phil Cavanaugh, who has worked with Pastor Gomez as co-pastor since 2016. Keith Gomez is still on the staff as an instructor.

Providence Baptist College - Staff & Faculty
Has there been any word as to why? It is merely retirement? If I were going to pastor a church, I don't think I'd want the former pastor as a staff member or even as a member... at least not for a couple of years. (this may be an interesting discussion point).
Has there been any word as to why? It is merely retirement? If I were going to pastor a church, I don't think I'd want the former pastor as a staff member or even as a member... at least not for a couple of years. (this may be an interesting discussion point).
I see nothing wrong with this. I've known several pastors who have "retired" and became active members in the church they formerly pastored. One was the church where I grew up. The pastor retired after having a heart attack, and after losing the confidence of some of the people. Now, if the pastor was such a strong personality that he would be creating a conflict in the church, I wouldn't see any reason for him to stay, and he himself should know that this wouldn't be acceptable, as he would be hindering the working of the Lord in the church.
With regard to the question of ex-pastors remaining in their church, every case is different. In many cases, the new pastor and his congregation are enthusiastically in favor of the ex-pastor staying with them. On the other hand, I knew of one case where the congregation voted in a resolution that if the previous pastor showed up on the premises, they would call the police to have him removed. Then there are the cases where ex-pastors who stayed in the church, and were perceived as meddling, were excommunicated. Then there was the case of Joel Gregory who resigned the pastorate at First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas because he felt intimidated and undermined by the previous pastor, W.A. Criswell, and his domineering wife. Gregory wrote a controversial book about it, called "Too Great A Temptation." Anyway, there is nothing wrong in itself with the ex-pastor staying in the church, as long as everybody is happy.

As far as I can tell from the Northwest Bible Baptist Church web site, the transition from Keith Gomez to Phil Cavanaugh, with Gomez remaining on staff, was planned in advance and satisfactory to everyone.

Northwest Bible Baptist Church - Pastor Phil Cavanaugh (