Sign stealing


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
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Much like in baseball, sign-stealing in football is a gray area that is considered part of the game — within limits. But much like with Michigan, Astros’ opponents had suspected for awhile that they were doing something far more elaborate and over the line.

When it finally came to light that the Astros were using a camera to detect which pitch was coming and then relay that information through audio signals to the batter, they argued that others had done the same and that it wouldn’t have affected the outcome because they had such a great team. Michigan is running the same playbook this week.

This article is more about the current scandal with Michigan’s football coach Jim Harbaugh but the principles discussed extend beyond that existential problem. At its core, it’s talking about leadership and ethics. Worth a read.
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This article is more about the current scandal with Michigan’s football coach Jim Harbaugh but the principles discussed extend beyond that existential problem. At its core, it’s talking about leadership and ethics. Worth a read.
Skimmed through most of the article.

It seems like cheating to me.
Skimmed through most of the article.

It seems like cheating to me.
Stealing signs would seem ordinary like cheating, but is not really cheating per the NCAA rules unless it’s dine in the manner in which the scouting is done, through a variety of sophisticated technological in-person methods.
Stealing signs would seem ordinary like cheating, but is not really cheating per the NCAA rules unless it’s dine in the manner in which the scouting is done, through a variety of sophisticated technological in-person methods.
In other words, enhanced surveilance.

So if the signaling can be discerned by the natural, unaided eye, there can be no expectation of secrecy.

Sounds right.
Stealing signs would seem ordinary like cheating, but is not really cheating per the NCAA rules unless it’s dine in the manner in which the scouting is done, through a variety of sophisticated technological in-person methods.

Something like the blackjack game in Rain Man then. Counting cards isn't cheating if you can do it in your head. If you use a computing device, it is.