Urgent prayer request...


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2017
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Forgive me for posting this in this forum, but, this is an urgent prayer request....we got a call yesterday about one of our great nieces' second attempt to commit suicide. Kaylie is only 14 years old, but, she has had a complicated life, our niece, her mother, being a true mess of a human being. She is the oldest of three children, with a sister, and a newly-born brother. None of the kids has the same daddy. Her mother got married to the baby's daddy two years ago, but, this marriage was one of convenience, and left the kids in the lurch. They were left to raise themselves, as their grandmother, my wife's older sister, died suddenly two years ago. she also lost her grandfather, my ex-bil just a month before my sister in laws passing. My sister-in-law was the only stabilizing factor in the kids' lives.
Kaylie left a note when she made this attempt telling her mother that she was the only thing left. My niece has enrolled Kaylie in counseling and will place her in a facility if that's what is required. My wife and I have been pretty upset over this incident as we told our niece before that she needed to get help for her daughter. We've even offered to have Kaylie come and stay with us if necessary. It's a very complex and confusing situation for all of us. We've had several suicides of friends, coworkers, acquaintances, and family members over the past two years.
Please keep this situation on your prayer lists, please. We know the Lord is in control. This family needs the Lord and has thus far rejected Christ.
Thank you in advance.

Brother Tony
Prayers ascending. I pray this episode shakes Mom to the core and changes happen.

I also pray you and your wife are able to share the light of the Gospel like never before.
Please know as I read this I totally understand. I'm praying now there is nothing to hard for the Lord.
Update: My great-niece is now in counseling and in the "baby steps" of discovering what the underlying issues are that made her feel that this would be the logical step to take. Of course we all know that this isn't any type of logical thinking. My family greatly appreciates the prayers that are being lifted up for Kaylee. It's going to be a long and winding road for her, and for her mother. Please continue to keep them both in your prayers.