Virginia Mollenkott has died

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Nah, that would be your daddy My Father created the heavens and the earth and everything therein. Are you off your meds ?
Now you're sounding like a few former posters here? Vinney, is that you? Or is it our former resident Catholic....Smartbutt Luther Hyles???? Either way, they're giving using many of the same lines.....Jus sayin
Now you're sounding like a few former posters here? Vinney, is that you? Or is it our former resident Catholic....Smartbutt Luther Hyles???? Either way, they're giving using many of the same lines.....Jus sayin
IP address is unique; this guy probably isn't a sockpuppet of one of our former fundy friends.

But they aren't tha original. The pattern is always the same. Tell a lie, get caught in a lie, double down on the lie, appeal to past military service, go on the attack. And lots and lots of gay stuff. Dumb and predictable.
IP address is unique; this guy probably isn't a sockpuppet of one of our former fundy friends.

But they aren't tha original. The pattern is always the same. Tell a lie, get caught in a lie, double down on the lie, appeal to past military service, go on the attack. And lots and lots of gay stuff. Dumb and predictable.
So true!
Go look in the nearest mirror the reflection you see from the mirror is the real liar.
No, you are!

(Is what I would say if I had your single-digit IQ, which you clearly do, because that's the sum and substance of anything you've said on this forum all day.)
No, you are!

(Is what I would say if I had your single-digit IQ, which you clearly do, because that's the sum and substance of anything you've said on this forum all day.)
No, you are!

(Is what I would say if I had your single-digit IQ, which you clearly do, because that's the sum and substance of anything you've said on this forum all day.)
you must be all of what 12 and that is being generous ? just can't seem to stay away from the "snake pit," can you? You call us a bunch of vipers, yet you want to be "king" of us all...Some "alleged" Marine you are....NOT!
LOL! This may be the one instance of a slander that Miz. God And didn't originate. At least, there doesn't seem to be any mention of Woudstra in New Age Bible Versions that I can find.
Hi Ransom! I found this thread during a search on Woudstra, All I can find are KJVO sites who make the claim without any proof. It's all hearsay and gossip on their part, and all the claims connect together like a circular argument.
As for God And Rip, she does not mention Woudstra in her NABV, but she does talk about it in the Bible Berean lecture video she sells. She cracks mocking jokes about him as a homosexual, but she never gives any source and just uses words like, "So, I heard" and stuff like that. But I've onlly see her mention Woudstra in video lectures, not in her books. So, she is culpable and part of the baseless smear campaign.
Still waiting for you to produce sodomite from even one verse in the NIV.
Ok, you keep brining up the word sodomite. You really need to research what "sodomy" and "sodomite" actually mean. Sodomy is a certain type of homosexual act, and not all homosexuals practice that specific act, which means not all homosexuals are sodomites, although they are all sinning against God. Specifically, sodomite is an older term for a homosexual who practices sodomy. Homosexual is a newer term from about the last 100 years. It means, simply, homo = "same" + sexual = "sex (ual)", meaning people of the same sex having sexual relations with each other that are not natural. There are many sinful things that homosexuals do with each other, but not all practice sodomy. I won't go any further because being graphic/explicit about this is not my goal. You can do the homework.
Lastly, you not only have no proof that Marten Woudstra was a homosexual, you also have no proof that he was a practicing homosexual.
As for God And Rip, she does not mention Woudstra in her NABV, but she does talk about it in the Bible Berean lecture video she sells. She cracks mocking jokes about him as a homosexual, but she never gives any source and just uses words like, "So, I heard" and stuff like that.

I've seen/heard lectures of hers where she does the same thing with other personalities as well. There's the infamous confusion of Brooke Foss Westcott and William Wynn Westcott in New Age Bible Versions, for example, where she admits (albeit only in a footnote) that she is merely speculating. However, on some shortwave program in the early 90s, I heard a lecture of hers where she said outright that B. F. Westcott was really W. W. Westcott, with no qualifications.

It's always a good rule of thumb to believe the opposite of whatever G. A. Riplinger says. She's a fraud.
"Really? Do you actually know any gay people?"

Yes, I have worked with many "gay" people in my line of work, and there is a homosexual in my family. One of them I led to the Lord. Homosexuality is sinful and yet it is not the unpardonable sin, so it needs to stop being treated as such. God loves unsaved homosexuals as much as any other unsaved sinner, and Christ died for them, as well.
Also, for your information, I did an extensive term paper on homosexuality and AIDS in college. I'll let you look up the definition of "sodomy". All I'll say without getting too graphic is that all homosexuals engage in homosexual behaviors to some extent, but they don't always practice sodomy. So, sodomy and homosexuality are not synonymous terms. Here's a hint: even some heterosexuals engage in heterosexual sodomy but they are not homosexual. I'll let you figure out what all that means.
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I've seen/heard lectures of hers where she does the same thing with other personalities as well. There's the infamous confusion of Brooke Foss Westcott and William Wynn Westcott in New Age Bible Versions, for example, where she admits (albeit only in a footnote) that she is merely speculating. However, on some shortwave program in the early 90s, I heard a lecture of hers where she said outright that B. F. Westcott was really W. W. Westcott, with no qualifications.

It's always a good rule of thumb to believe the opposite of whatever G. A. Riplinger says. She's a fraud.
She is absolutely, 100% a fraud, and I have at least 600 pages of documentation proving her work is fraudulent schlock. Can't wait to publish it.
Does this forum sometimes go down? I can't always get the site to open and get an error message that the site is down.
Gail Riplinger is a liar and a bimbo. She can't even remember how many husbands she has had.

Gail Riplinger's Lies to Dr. and Mrs. D.A. Waite (
Yes. I was the one who researched her divorces and got all the court documents that were then sent to the Waites. Her third recent husband died about 9 years ago, and nothing was mentioned publicly that I could find. It's like his death is supposed to be a secret. Couldn't even find an obit written for the poor guy. I can't imagine what he had to go through living with her.
Does this forum sometimes go down? I can't always get the site to open and get an error message that the site is down.
I've seen server-side errors from time to time when it's gone down for maintenance. I don't recall having any trouble connecting today. A routing issue on the Internet itself, perhaps.
I've only had trouble connecting a couple of times in the last year. It came back as a server error.
It's working ok today. Got on without any problems. When I had trouble the error message was "site unavailable".
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