Would you witness to Hitler


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Feb 25, 2013
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The south
If hitler was alive today would you witness to him and show compasson, how about Nero, Ida Amin (Butcher of Uganda), Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Joseph Mengele, Mao Zedong ...

I remember a very articulate and inspiring preacher once said if we had the love of Christ and fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit we could witness and even show kindness to these type of people. He said because we are human and have the old nature it is more difficult for us.

I would agree, but I would find it hard to show compassion for them. I would want them to get what they deserve. Sadly thats what we all deserve I guess.


All other things being equal, if Hitler, Idi Amin, etc. were ordinary people whom I happened to meet in a coffee shop or whatever? Sure.

Realistically, I would never get near enough to any of them to have a personal conversation. And if I offended them sufficiently, all of them could have me killed. As you say ... "difficult."

On the other hand, if I was arrested and hauled in front of one of them and knew I was a dead man anyway, no problem. I wonder if Paul, after being arrested and hauled before Agrippa or Nero, just decided he probably had nothing to lose. (Though Jesus told him he would go to Rome, so I also imagine he understood that he had no reason to fear Festus or Agrippa.)

I could certainly see myself denouncing Hitler's sins and calling him to repentance in the newspapers or on social media. From a suitable distance. :)
I'm pretty sure Nero was witnessed to by Paul.

For these individuals you mentioned, I would think that to take their evil to the extreme they did, they would have to have hardened their hearts beyond redemption. I believe it is possible for a human to do that this side of eternity. Romans 1 tells us that God [gives] them over to their passions. I believe that is what happened with Pharaoh before Moses. If we resist God enough, He finally says, "Fine. Have it your way." While not everyone who hardens themselves beyond redemption descends into the depths of evil these others have, I believe it is almost a requirement to decend that far.

Of course, we're not the ones to judge whether someone is beyond redemption but I believe God doesn't bring any more witnesses to such a person. But God is God and He does as He pleases.
If hitler was alive today would you witness to him and show compasson, how about Nero, Ida Amin (Butcher of Uganda), Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Joseph Mengele, Mao Zedong ...

I remember a very articulate and inspiring preacher once said if we had the love of Christ and fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit we could witness and even show kindness to these type of people. He said because we are human and have the old nature it is more difficult for us.

I would agree, but I would find it hard to show compassion for them. I would want them to get what they deserve. Sadly thats what we all deserve I guess.


Nope! Die burn in hell. Same for pediphiles. You are correct, I’m not yielded to the point of showing mercy to these kind of people.
If hitler was alive today would you witness to him and show compasson, how about Nero, Ida Amin (Butcher of Uganda), Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Joseph Mengele, Mao Zedong ...

I remember a very articulate and inspiring preacher once said if we had the love of Christ and fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit we could witness and even show kindness to these type of people. He said because we are human and have the old nature it is more difficult for us.

I would agree, but I would find it hard to show compassion for them. I would want them to get what they deserve. Sadly thats what we all deserve I guess.


yes i would... i would witness to any and all of them compassonately and with christian kindness.... praying earnestly to see them saved... .. then i would compassionately turn them over to a firing squad or gallows.... (whichever method of execution the court that convicts them uses)..... and i would do that whether they got saved or not... .. ... in fact - if they actually and sincerely did get saved.. then i would expect to see them submit to that execution willingly.... ... acknowledging - (just like the thief on the cross next to Jesus did) - that they were receiving the just reward ..(punishment).. for their crimes.....

condemning a person to hell is something only God has the right to do... .. but adressing and punishing crimes committed on earth is something God empowered earthly governments to do.... and whether or not a criminal is saved should have no effect on it....
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However, those with the Spirit of Christ respond in that spirit. I'm reminded of the martyrdom of William Tyndale, who was strangled and burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English.

Just before is strangling, he cried out, "Oh Lord, open the King of England's eyes!"
However, those with the Spirit of Christ respond in that spirit. I'm reminded of the martyrdom of William Tyndale, who was strangled and burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English.

Just before is strangling, he cried out, "Oh Lord, open the King of England's eyes!"
To some extent understand this. But at least to me a pedophile is something altogether different.
FFF "Nope! Die burn in hell. Same for pediphiles. You are correct, I’m not yielded to the point of showing mercy to these kind of people."
Ekklesian said:
However, those with the Spirit of Christ respond in that spirit. I'm reminded of the martyrdom of William Tyndale, who was strangled and burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English.

Just before is strangling, he cried out, "Oh Lord, open the King of England's eyes!"

Ekklesian is correct.
When Jesus was dying on the cross he was being tortured in a way very few humans have suffered after being spit on and beaten severely by those who mocked him. When Jesus cried on the cross, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do,” He was setting an example for Christians to be willing to forgive others no matter how evil they are.

The problem today is a perverted sense of forgiveness. Even though Jesus desired and was willing for those torturing him to be forgiven, unless they repented they died and went to hell. God doesn’t ask us to do what He Himself refuses to do. Willingness to forgive must be withheld unless there is repentance.

“The most foolish thing King David ever did was to forgive Absalom. What was the result? He drove him from the throne. That’s what the sinner would do, if he got into heaven unrepentant. He would just drive God from the throne – tear the crown from Him. No unrepentant sinner can get into the kingdom of heaven.” D.L. Moody

Withholding forgiveness is for the benefit of the guilty party. If God automatically forgave everyone, there would be no need for repentance or even church discipline. Imagine someone breaking into your home and murdering your love ones and you got there immediately after the deed was done confronting the murderer. Are you going to say, “I forgive you?” It is a false narrative that withholding forgiveness brings about bitterness. That only happens if the guilty party shows no remorse and refuses to repent of his evil deeds. If however, a trial takes place and genuine remorse and repentance is shown, we must follow Jesus' example all the while allowing the man to be executed. Jesus commanded us to love our enemies (Matt 5:44) and not to take revenge because the Lord will do that (Rom 12:29), even if the government fails to give us justice.
Love and forgiveness are not synonymous.
To some extent understand this. But at least to me a pedophile is something altogether different.
Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is the only unforgiveable sin. But I'm not saying that crime should go unpunished...especially not rape, no matter who the victim is.
An Atheist on heaven and hell. Penn Jillette, the taller, louder half of the magic/comedy act “Penn and Teller,” is a well known atheist. He is so committed to atheism that he claims, “I cross the word ‘God’ off every [dollar] bill I touch.”
However, in 2008, Penn said that after one of his shows, a businessman approached him and gave him a Gideon New Testament. Penn noted, “It was really wonderful, I believe he knew that I was an atheist, but he was not defensive, and he looked me right in the eyes...and then gave me this Bible. I’ve always said that I don’t respect people who don’t proselytize. I don’t respect that at all. If you believe that there’s a heaven and hell, and people could be going to hell, or not getting eternal life, or whatever, and you think that, ‘Well, it’s not really worth telling them this because it would make it socially awkward’ – How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that? I mean if I believed beyond a shadow of a doubt that a truck was coming at you, and you didn’t believe it, and that truck was bearing down on you, there is a certain point where I tackle you – and this is more important than that...He cared enough about me to proselytize and give me a Bible.” The Evidence Bible
No Christian should ever wish anyone to go to such terrible place.
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Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is the only unforgiveable sin. But I'm not saying that crime should go unpunished...especially not rape, no matter who the victim is.
I’m not God. And if you wanna forgive someone that rapes or molest children that’s ur business we don’t see it the same. It’s not gonna bother me if they burn in hell.

I would hope that I would say the same for ppl that burn me alive if I were to translate the scriptures.

Pedophiles is something different I don’t see that as the same.
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I’m not God. And if you wanna forgive someone that rapes or molest children that’s ur business we don’t see it the same. It’s not gonna bother me if they burn in hell.

I would hope that I would say the same for ppl that burn me alive if I were to translate the scriptures.

Pedophiles is something different I don’t see that as the same.
That's because you judge by the outer appearance and are obviously plagued with a streak of self-righteousness.
I’m not God. And if you wanna forgive someone that rapes or molest children that’s ur business we don’t see it the same. It’s not gonna bother me if they burn in hell.
WE don't forgive anyone on God's behalf.

As detestable as paedophilia is, it's not the unpardonable sin. My issue with being so condemning of paedophiles is that many, if not most of them were themselves the victim of a paedophile. Paedophilia does incredible damage to it's victims which, sadly, perpetrates itself down the line. So a kid is taught through abuse to abuse others. Is he to face condemnation while the one who abused him years earlier goes scot free?

I'm not making any excuses for offenses but I have personally witnessed a great deal injustice leveled against victims.
That's because you judge by the outer appearance and are obviously plagued with a streak of self-righteousness.
I believe you are touching on a truth that we like to ignore because it hits a little too close to home.

We are all sinners; as such, we like to step into God's righteous position of judgement. I don't believe I am the only one wants to bash a couple heads in from time to time. It's part of our sinful nature to want to screw someone over. But we are "righteous" and know that is wrong, except when a sin comes up that is so heinous its perpetrator deserves a good beat down. We're looking for an excuse to bash someone's head in and fool ourselves into believing that our wrath is justified.

James 1:20 says, "...for man’s anger does not bring about the righteousness that God desires."

Am I advocating that paedophiles are not held accountable in criminal courts? God forbid.

"The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you. They are God’s servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong." Romans 13:4 NLT

The authorities are the God's agents for punishment, not individuals who want to feed their sinful desires and convince themselves they are in the right.
That's because you judge by the outer appearance and are obviously plagued with a streak of self-righteousness.
If you believe that me saying a child molester can burn in hell is self-righteousness I’m perfectly ok being labeled by you.

Can you please explain how I’m judging by the outer appearance??
If you believe that me saying a child molester can burn in hell is self-righteousness I’m perfectly ok being labeled by you.
And I would expect nothing less of self-righteousness.

Can you please explain how I’m judging by the outer appearance??
Certainly. You're judging the egregiousness of a sin primarily by the physical attributes of the perp and the victim. And that's fine for meting out justice in the earth.

But it's quite another thing to place yourself on God's throne and judge souls and bear indignation toward His vessels of mercy, and the Price He paid for them, and disapprove of His choices.

Who are you to bring a charge against one of His elect? It's God that justifies. And if the angels in heaven rejoice over a repentant, what does it tell us about you when you say, "Meh. He could burn in hell for all I care?"