Mildly Effective Jabs Carry Host of Complications

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May 17, 2021
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Western Hemisphere
Links in text below (which would show up in any other bulletin board format). Many more in the article.

'Based on ongoing research and actual experience with these drugs, there should be a significant slow-down in the approval process and a suspension in the mass vaccination program until all data is fully investigated without undue political influence.

'Israel, determined to defeat Covid-19, dramatically accelerated their vaccination program beginning in late December 2020. Within three and a half months 80+% of the eligible population (citizens over 16) were fully vaccinated. Israel, thus, became the bellwether as to the efficacy and potential side-effects of the mRNA vaccine.

'They were also the first nation with a successful mass vaccination program to experience a large-scale resurgence of Covid-19. A majority of cases were among the vaccinated population, prompting the government to reimpose travel restrictions, lockdowns and various mandates.

'Further, the Israeli government determined that the Pfizer vaccine, after three to four months, was only 39% effective in preventing the virus. Which would ultimately require recipients to receive continual booster shots.'


'A recent peer review study found that the Covid vaccine poses multiple adverse side effect risks, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases, due to the production of the spike protein, which tracks with actual reported side effects.

'Another study done by MIT and Harvard indicated that is possible that the mRNA vaccines could make human cells permanent spike protein factories due to the alteration of our genome DNA leading to potentially serious autoimmune problems.

'The bottom line: at present we know almost nothing about the long-term effects of the mRNA vaccines and how they affect the human body.'
Links in text below (which would show up in any other bulletin board format). Many more in the article.

'Based on ongoing research and actual experience with these drugs, there should be a significant slow-down in the approval process and a suspension in the mass vaccination program until all data is fully investigated without undue political influence.

'Israel, determined to defeat Covid-19, dramatically accelerated their vaccination program beginning in late December 2020. Within three and a half months 80+% of the eligible population (citizens over 16) were fully vaccinated. Israel, thus, became the bellwether as to the efficacy and potential side-effects of the mRNA vaccine.

'They were also the first nation with a successful mass vaccination program to experience a large-scale resurgence of Covid-19. A majority of cases were among the vaccinated population, prompting the government to reimpose travel restrictions, lockdowns and various mandates.

'Further, the Israeli government determined that the Pfizer vaccine, after three to four months, was only 39% effective in preventing the virus. Which would ultimately require recipients to receive continual booster shots.'


'A recent peer review study found that the Covid vaccine poses multiple adverse side effect risks, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases, due to the production of the spike protein, which tracks with actual reported side effects.

'Another study done by MIT and Harvard indicated that is possible that the mRNA vaccines could make human cells permanent spike protein factories due to the alteration of our genome DNA leading to potentially serious autoimmune problems.

'The bottom line: at present we know almost nothing about the long-term effects of the mRNA vaccines and how they affect the human body.'

From the article:

"A recent peer review study found that the Covid vaccine poses multiple adverse side effect risks, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases, due to the production of the spike protein, which tracks with actual reported side effects."

This "peer reviewed study" is from International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research. More on on this journal and it's board from the Skeptical Raptor:

  • "IJVTPR is not indexed in PubMed. Now, that could be for a number of reasons, but that means this isn’t recognized as a legitimate journal, for now.
  • As far as I can tell, it does not have a publisher. It is part of something called “Open Journals System,” which is like WordPress, in that they provide the architecture for the journal, but they do not function as a typical publisher. Seriously, it seems to be no different than self-publishing a book on Amazon Kindle.
  • It has no impact factor – in other words, none of their articles are cited by publications outside of the IJVTPR itself.
But here’s where it gets hysterically funny – the editorial board is a who’s who of the anti-vaccine movement"

"There are many others in that ragtag group of editors that would be familiar to those of you who follow the anti-vaccine world. But I didn’t want to waste 10,000 words just to tell you how little each of them knows about vaccines, medicine, or science. This is just a circle jerk editorial board that is trying to foist anti-vaccine nonsense onto the world so that your local anti-vaxxer will point to an article and say “see, here’s a peer-reviewed paper.”
Either of you have anything to offer than ad hominem? I have yet to see either deal with the data. That's okay. But I just wanted to give you a chance to offer some stronger arguments if you have them. :p
That's an overcomplicated way of saying "No," but OK, whatever.
😄 Well, just to name a few, off the top of my head, I've cited the Bible, the Epoch Times, Medmastery, the AAPS, Journeymen Pictures, etc.

But maybe you should ask tmjbog the question. Not only ad hominem, but ad hominem from a blog with x-rated language. 🤣
From the article:

"A recent peer review study found that the Covid vaccine poses multiple adverse side effect risks, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases, due to the production of the spike protein, which tracks with actual reported side effects."

This "peer reviewed study" is from International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research. More on on this journal and it's board from the Skeptical Raptor:

  • "IJVTPR is not indexed in PubMed. Now, that could be for a number of reasons, but that means this isn’t recognized as a legitimate journal, for now.
  • As far as I can tell, it does not have a publisher. It is part of something called “Open Journals System,” which is like WordPress, in that they provide the architecture for the journal, but they do not function as a typical publisher. Seriously, it seems to be no different than self-publishing a book on Amazon Kindle.
  • It has no impact factor – in other words, none of their articles are cited by publications outside of the IJVTPR itself.
But here’s where it gets hysterically funny – the editorial board is a who’s who of the anti-vaccine movement"

"There are many others in that ragtag group of editors that would be familiar to those of you who follow the anti-vaccine world. But I didn’t want to waste 10,000 words just to tell you how little each of them knows about vaccines, medicine, or science. This is just a circle jerk editorial board that is trying to foist anti-vaccine nonsense onto the world so that your local anti-vaxxer will point to an article and say “see, here’s a peer-reviewed paper.”
As you are fond of ad hominem, I assume you know this author well. Before I respond, do you stand behind this one? :cool:
But maybe you should ask tmjbog the question. Not only ad hominem, but ad hominem from a blog with x-rated language. 🤣
Correction: an unsigned blog of dubious credibility with x-rated language. A candidate for your mega-thread, maybe? 🤔
Correction: an unsigned blog of dubious credibility with x-rated language. A candidate for your mega-thread, maybe? 🤔
You don't have to believe the blog. The information is verifiable. I'll get you started with the first three from the editorial team:

Christopher Shaw, PhD-Senior Editor for IJVTPR: This Anti-vaxxer has no formal training in the field of vaccines but that doesn't stop him from publishing in the papers on it. Some of his previous published works are-

John W. Oller, Jr., PhD-Executive Editor/Editor in Chief. He's an author at the anti-vax Children's Health Defense.
Mary S. Holland is also from the anti-vax Children's Health Defense.
The IJVTPR is a supposed "scientific" journal made up of almost entirely anti-vaxxers. It should not be surprising that their articles find all sorts horrible things wrong with COVID vaccinations. It would be like asking the Brady Foundation to do a study of gun safety in America.
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