How Evangelism Was Corrupted Among Independent Baptists


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
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This is a lengthy article but worth perusing. David Cloud cites John R. Rice and other authorities who taught repentance prior to the 1970s, such as Leon Maurer: "A rotely memorized prayer or some repeated statement without true repentance and faith never saves anyone." But under the influence of Jack Hyles, the emphasis on repentance was dropped, and the Sword of the Lord removed references to repentance from its publications. Cloud sees these trends as problematic:

1. An emphasis on "going to heaven when you die."
2. The "sinner's prayer" became the focus of soul winning.
3. Plowing the soil was traded for a quick salesmanship program.
4. Development of a quick program to get people to pray the "sinner's prayer" in just a few minutes.
5. Not looking for evidence of salvation.
6. Repentance was redefined - no longer a turning from sin, now only a turning from unbelief.
7. Doctrine of eternal security divorced from a life-changing salvation experience.

Cloud believes that much "soul-winning" today consists of "cheap psychological manipulation" to get the prospect to pray the "sinner's prayer." He states that the sinner's prayer first appeared in 1955 and was popularized by Billy Graham, Bill Bright of Campus Crusade, and Jack Hyles. He says that follow-up of persons who have prayed the "sinner's prayer" reveals that very few have any interest in church attendance or spiritual things. He notes that in the Southern Baptist Convention, there has been a 96% increase in baptisms of children aged 5 and under, which he describes as "Baptist infant baptism."

He concludes that "shallow, unscriptural soul winning and neglect of repentance have produced incredibly weak churches. It has produced churches that are mixed multitudes instead of churches of disciples. . . .
Most churches are far too careless about salvation. They pronounce people, including children, saved on a mere profession with no regard for biblical evidence."
I shared John R. Rice's "What Must I Do to be Saved?" booklet here a couple months ago and the general consensus was that it was a well-written and doctrinally sound publication that most here would use without reservation.

It also underscores how far the "Sword Crowd" has drifted since then! As David Cloud says, the emphasis became more and more upon growing and expanding numerically rather than seeing true and genuine conversions and spiritual growth within the Church!

There is much confusion regarding repentance though. Some are saying that you must repent IN ORDER TO be saved which gives the impression that repentance is something of ourselves and that somehow God is waiting for us to "Repent" before he takes away our sin and saves us! As much as I disagree with the "Free Grace" crowd, they raise a good point here. Any repentance that is of ourselves does nothing and means nothing! It is no different than "self-reformation" and "turning over a new leaf" which is most certainly a "works-based salvation!"

True biblical repentance is FROM GOD and is evidence of a life that has been changed supernaturally by the power of God! Repentance and faith are two sides of the same coin and both are from GOD and are not of ourselves! Jesus noted Zacchaeus's outward expression of repentance and from this, declared that "Salvation had come to his house!"

Independent Baptists are divided over this issue. FBCH emphasizes a "quick prayer, easy believism" approach and if you can get someone to "pray the prayer," they are counted as "saved" even though you will likely never see them again! Paul Chappell teaches repentance in his soul-winning methodology but the emphasis is still upon "making a decision" and "praying the sinner's prayer" in order to be saved. If the Gospel is clearly preached, people are saved despite poor methodologies and soteriological ignorance. I would still maintain that such an approach leads to a congregation with a significant number of unregenerate members and you can tell him I said so.

You do not get saved because you squirted out a few tears and "prayed the sinner's prayer!" You get saved when you are REGENERATED AND BORN AGAIN BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD! This is a supernatural event that is every bit as miraculous as when Jesus raised Lazarus from the Dead! Ephesians 2 declares that we were six-feet under pushing up daisies DEAD IN TRESPASSES AND SIN before Christ raised us to life! A dead man CANNOT "decide" to become raised to life!

It also becomes quite clear why so many coming out of the mess of IFB-Dumb embrace reformed theology and the doctrines of grace! It certainly gets you on the right track regarding a solid understanding of biblical soteriology! Not that you HAVE to be reformed but it certainly helps!
All I can say is...shut up and listen and then pray this prayer after me or you is goin' 2 hell! ;)
Many years ago, I left an Amazon review for Hyles' book Let's Go Soul-winning. I said something like it was useful if you wanted to sell vacuum cleaners door-to-door but not for winning people to Christ. I was told to get right with God lol.
If you were on an airplane and struck up a conversation with the person next to you about eternal life, how would you proceed to lead them to Christ if they were willing to listen?
I shared John R. Rice's "What Must I Do to be Saved?" booklet here a couple months ago and the general consensus was that it was a well-written and doctrinally sound publication that most here would use without reservation.

It also underscores how far the "Sword Crowd" has drifted since then! As David Cloud says, the emphasis became more and more upon growing and expanding numerically rather than seeing true and genuine conversions and spiritual growth within the Church!

There is much confusion regarding repentance though. Some are saying that you must repent IN ORDER TO be saved which gives the impression that repentance is something of ourselves and that somehow God is waiting for us to "Repent" before he takes away our sin and saves us! As much as I disagree with the "Free Grace" crowd, they raise a good point here. Any repentance that is of ourselves does nothing and means nothing! It is no different than "self-reformation" and "turning over a new leaf" which is most certainly a "works-based salvation!"

True biblical repentance is FROM GOD and is evidence of a life that has been changed supernaturally by the power of God! Repentance and faith are two sides of the same coin and both are from GOD and are not of ourselves! Jesus noted Zacchaeus's outward expression of repentance and from this, declared that "Salvation had come to his house!"

Independent Baptists are divided over this issue. FBCH emphasizes a "quick prayer, easy believism" approach and if you can get someone to "pray the prayer," they are counted as "saved" even though you will likely never see them again! Paul Chappell teaches repentance in his soul-winning methodology but the emphasis is still upon "making a decision" and "praying the sinner's prayer" in order to be saved. If the Gospel is clearly preached, people are saved despite poor methodologies and soteriological ignorance. I would still maintain that such an approach leads to a congregation with a significant number of unregenerate members and you can tell him I said so.

You do not get saved because you squirted out a few tears and "prayed the sinner's prayer!" You get saved when you are REGENERATED AND BORN AGAIN BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD! This is a supernatural event that is every bit as miraculous as when Jesus raised Lazarus from the Dead! Ephesians 2 declares that we were six-feet under pushing up daisies DEAD IN TRESPASSES AND SIN before Christ raised us to life! A dead man CANNOT "decide" to become raised to life!

It also becomes quite clear why so many coming out of the mess of IFB-Dumb embrace reformed theology and the doctrines of grace! It certainly gets you on the right track regarding a solid understanding of biblical soteriology! Not that you HAVE to be reformed but it certainly helps!
I remember those booklets. My mom kept a supply. A bit too wordy for the 1-2-3 crowd though.
Maybe all of you can teach us 'the right way' to lead someone to Christ?
Where in the scriptures does it say we are to lead anyone to Christ?
If you were on an airplane and struck up a conversation with the person next to you about eternal life, how would you proceed to lead them to Christ if they were willing to listen?
See the above. My job is not to "lead" them to Christ, my job is to communicate the gospel to the best of my ability given whatever opportunity I have been given to do so. Upon doing what I am able to do, I leave it up to the Holy Spirit to lead this person to Christ!

And I believe the booklet by John R. Rice is the perfect thing to leave with someone that you had a conversation with on the airplane. You have "planted the seed" and the booklet is useful for planting more seed, and possibly for watering the seed. After this, it is up to God to give the increase. If I haven't been a boorish, Funny-Mentalist "Butt" to this person, perhaps I will receive a call or email saying this person trusted Christ later on!

Paul Washer has a really good perspective on this! You should look up and listen to the entire series, it would be worth your while:

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Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.
Where in the scriptures does it say we are to lead anyone to Christ?

See the above. My job is not to "lead" them to Christ, my job is to communicate the gospel to the best of my ability given whatever opportunity I have been given to do so. Upon doing what I am able to do, I leave it up to the Holy Spirit to lead this person to Christ!

And I believe the booklet by John R. Rice is the perfect thing to leave with someone that you had a conversation with on the airplane. You have "planted the seed" and the booklet is useful for planting more seed, and possibly for watering the seed. After this, it is up to God to give the increase. If I haven't been a boorish, Funny-Mentalist "Butt" to this person, perhaps I will receive a call or email saying this person trusted Christ later on!

Paul Washer has a really good perspective on this! You should look up and listen to the entire series, it would be worth your while:

Ok, How would you present the Gospel if I were an unbeliever, sitting next to you on an airplane.
Other than handing me Bro. Rice's brochure.
If all you had was a New Testament.
What would you tell me?
Ok, How would you present the Gospel if I were an unbeliever, sitting next to you on an airplane.
Other than handing me Bro. Rice's brochure.
If all you had was a New Testament.
What would you tell me?

Young man, sit down! You are an enthusiast. When God pleases to convert the airline travelers he'll do it without consulting you or me!
If you were on an airplane and struck up a conversation with the person next to you about eternal life, how would you proceed to lead them to Christ if they were willing to listen?
Acts 20:31
Today there seems to be no urgency of eternity with many.
Ok, How would you present the Gospel if I were an unbeliever, sitting next to you on an airplane.
Other than handing me Bro. Rice's brochure.
If all you had was a New Testament.
What would you tell me?
I think I already stated what I would do.

I would give you the gospel to the best of my ability and would do my best to answer any questions you may have. If it is at my disposal. I may give you Bro. Rice's booklet (or other gospel literature) as we are parting for follow-up reading material along with my or my Church's contact info. If not that, I may invite you to "Friend" me on FB and check out my "Unprofitable Servant" page where I have a few videos and other information.
If you were on an airplane and struck up a conversation with the person next to you about eternal life, how would you proceed to lead them to Christ if they were willing to listen?
I would take them to Genesis. Show them that God created everything. Show them that God began commanding humans immediately and show how God tells them that if they disobey him, there are consequences. Then I'd move to Exodus 20 and show them the 10 commandments, the summary of OT law, sort of. I'd explain that there were more, but they'd get it.

Then I'd explain the OT sacrificial system and then introduce Christ as the fulfillment. I'd share a few verses about how Christ died in our place and how God credits righteousness to us based on his death and then show them Romans 10:9.10 It is by faith. Then let them ask any and all questions along the way.
I would take them to Genesis. Show them that God created everything. Show them that God began commanding humans immediately and show how God tells them that if they disobey him, there are consequences. Then I'd move to Exodus 20 and show them the 10 commandments, the summary of OT law, sort of. I'd explain that there were more, but they'd get it.

Then I'd explain the OT sacrificial system and then introduce Christ as the fulfillment. I'd share a few verses about how Christ died in our place and how God credits righteousness to us based on his death and then show them Romans 10:9.10 It is by faith. Then let them ask any and all questions along the way.


When Paul was writing to the christians at Ephesus, he told me that one is saved through faith, NOT OF WORKS and as you have pointed out, when he was wrting to the christians at Rome, he mentioned the same thing BUT even though he had said that salvation was not anything THEY could do and was not of works, when he was wrting to the christians at Corinth, he told them that there WERE works that THEY did that would exclude them from the Kingdom of God. We learn that even sissies would be excluded, along with divorced and remarried (for any reason other than sexual unfaithfullness) and a whole host of others. Could you explain the seeming contradiction - works or no works? Is that where repentance comes in - if they had repented they wouldn't commit those things?


When Paul was writing to the christians at Ephesus, he told me that one is saved through faith, NOT OF WORKS and as you have pointed out, when he was wrting to the christians at Rome, he mentioned the same thing BUT even though he had said that salvation was not anything THEY could do and was not of works, when he was wrting to the christians at Corinth, he told them that there WERE works that THEY did that would exclude them from the Kingdom of God. We learn that even sissies would be excluded, along with divorced and remarried (for any reason other than sexual unfaithfullness) and a whole host of others. Could you explain the seeming contradiction - works or no works? Is that where repentance comes in - if they had repented they wouldn't commit those things?

Evidence of genuine faith is works. James says that. And these works that Paul names in Corinthians are ones that, if continued in, with no repentance, would exclude one from the kingdom/heaven/eternal life.
The article was written by David Cloud at wayoflife. I don't trust anything he writes.
I'm no fan of David Cloud either and seeing that he is a rabid anti-Calvinist, I am certain his position on repentance is somewhat erroneous. He does make a good point even though he is focused upon the likes of HAC/FBCH which is one of his favorite "Whipping Boys!"

This is one of the reasons I went through everything I did on my initial response to this thread.
I'm no fan of David Cloud either and seeing that he is a rabid anti-Calvinist, I am certain his position on repentance is somewhat erroneous.

His position on repentance:

Biblical repentance as preached by John the Baptist, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the apostles, is A CHANGE OF MIND TOWARD GOD AND SIN THAT RESULTS IN A CHANGE OF LIFE. IT IS A SPIRIT-WROUGHT CHANGE OF MIND THAT LEADS TO A CHANGE OF LIFE. It is not a change of life. That would be a works salvation. It is a radical, Spirit-wrought change of mind toward sin and God, such a dramatic change of mind that it changes one’s actions. Source

Credit where due: he isn't promoting Hyles' useless version of repentance.