Abortion, We Are Against It


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2012
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Unless we are for it.

Because ... political expediency.

When politics and policy matter more than principle.

Being unequally yoked gets nasty sometimes.
Unless we are for it.

Because ... political expediency.

When politics and policy matter more than principle.

Being unequally yoked gets nasty sometimes.
how can you say you are against abortion when your stiff necked adherence to an ideal principle that cannot be put into practice, enables the very people who would abort and kill the most babies to take power?...... . ..your stand outside the camp enables liberals and causes more children to be aborted than would be otherwise... ... . i know you claim you are standing on principle but it;s one i cannot respect when it allows more innocent blood to be shed than would have under a better but flawed president, just so you can say you didn;t compromise....

you are starting to remind me of jonah.... jonah wasn;t happy because nineveh.... although they repented... didn;t accomplish the immediate state of perfection he thought they should..... ... when God chose not to destroy nineveh like jonah had proclaimed He would do - jonah feared he would lose face and lose credibility.. . .. so rather than go work within the city to continue preaching and ministering to those on the road to repentance.. encouraging them to not stop there but to continue on - jonah sat outside the city and cried ........ he valued his own pride ..his own reputation.. and his own personal principles over the lives of innocent children in the city.. .. and thought his "perfect ideals" should be put above the work and the will of God....

God informed jonah he was more concerned with serving himself and his own image than with serving God and the work of God..... that should have been a lesson to all of us....
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Unless we are for it.

Because ... political expediency.

When politics and policy matter more than principle.

Being unequally yoked gets nasty sometimes.
You seem to have a knack for stating the obvious, idiot!
The same Trump who opposes the Arizona decision?
The same Trump who already constitutionally got Roe v Wade eliminated. Why is a political maneuver, within Constitutional parameters, wrong?

We can debate about abortion exceptions in relation to rape and incest while losing the fight altogether.

Political expediency is not in conflict with Christian principles. We need to be "wise as serpents."
The same Trump who already constitutionally got Roe v Wade eliminated. Why is a political maneuver, within Constitutional parameters, wrong?

We can debate about abortion exceptions in relation to rape and incest while losing the fight altogether.

Political expediency is not in conflict with Christian principles. We need to be "wise as serpents."
So what is he opposing? The court ruled on the constitutionality of the existing law. They found that it is constitutional within that state. Isn't that what overturning Roe was supposed to be about?

I am amazed by the stalwart proplifers here deriding "purity". Do the babies care whether they are aborted legally in Michigan rather than (for the time being) illegally in Arizona?

Some trust in Gallup polls.

We are to be Holy as He is Holy. I am part of a Royal Priesthood, a child of the KIng, an ambassador for Jesus in a dying world. To subjugate that to a political party or philosophy is the worldliness we are told to separate from. Maybe Fundies should have been preaching about that instead hair length and music styles.
Arizona wasnt a state until 1912. 48 years after the laws on abortion that the state supreme court ruled. Allows for no exceptions regarding rape and incest.

Trump reiterated that states have the rights and that is what he was able to accomplish.

We have 3 generations of culture rhat has no problem with abortion. It takes steps to reverse course.

Are you against abortions in the case of rape and incest?

Who are you going to vote for that has the morality you expect? Have you ever voted before?
In the meantime Jill Biden who speaks for President Biden and the Democratic Party demands that pornography be allowed in libraries so children in kindergarten can have access to it and anyone opposing such evil are “Nazis.” The Biden administration wants to force doctors to perform abortion and the mutilation to children promoting the perverted ideology of “transgenderism” (formerly known as or transvestites). They want to put President Trump in prison for life along with other political opponents on trumped up charges. They are using RICO to imprison a grandmother for praying in an abortion clinic. Currently the Democrats want to force churches and other religious groups to hire homosexuals and every other group opposed to Bible teachings against their will. They want to force straight white men to go to indoctrination courses that paint them as inherently racist just because of the color of their skin in order to continue dividing the country along racial lines. In 2012 the Democratic party took God out of their platform. I haven’t even begun to cover all the nonsense we are forced to endure.

In short there is no difference between the Democratic party platform and the Communist Party. On top of this, some believe Christians who oppose all the lawlessness and perversion being foisted on the country (I no longer recognize) are perverting the gospel - not recognizing we don’t have a King but a representative government that God allows us to participate in. Donald Trump is probably just as lost as President Biden. So why don’t we pray for both of them and pray that God will allow someone to be in office that will not completely destroy the freedoms we have left? If any Christian can’t decide who NOT to vote for then maybe he should stay home on election day to show how spiritual he is.
So what is he opposing? The court ruled on the constitutionality of the existing law. They found that it is constitutional within that state. Isn't that what overturning Roe was supposed to be about?

I am amazed by the stalwart proplifers here deriding "purity". Do the babies care whether they are aborted legally in Michigan rather than (for the time being) illegally in Arizona?

Some trust in Gallup polls.

We are to be Holy as He is Holy. I am part of a Royal Priesthood, a child of the KIng, an ambassador for Jesus in a dying world. To subjugate that to a political party or philosophy is the worldliness we are told to separate from. Maybe Fundies should have been preaching about that instead hair length and music styles.
your idea of "purity" and "holiness" seems to be if you can;t have everything - don;t have anything at all.... a failed perfectionist - is that it?..... ..nobody here is deriding purity... just your flawed interpretation of it - which is very self centered.... .

..... again... you remind me of jonah... ... and trust me.. as someone who lives in a family of deep sea mariners i know a few things about jonah... ;) .....
I am curious about how the message of redemption is understood when mixed in with political talking points. Or more importantly if it is heard at all. We are supposed to be reaching the lost for Christ. Sadly, our message is leavened with a message that is not concerned with the redemption of sinners. Remember, a little leaven leavens the whole lump.

As to "them" when we look out and can see them as nothing but degenerates, it blinds us to the fact that they are the fields in need of harvest. Every one of them is an image bearer of God, made in His likeness and is lost and going to hell. It seems that we would rather harness the power of government to mow down those fields rather than wade into their world to share Jesus. So I have been waiting for someone to explain how the political process is going to bring in the sheaves. God has told us how to do it but that isn't pragmatic or realistic so we decided to do it a different way. As Dr. Phil would say, how's that working for you?
your idea of "purity" and "holiness" seems to be if you can;t have everything - don;t have anything at all.... a failed perfectionist - is that it?..... ..nobody here is deriding purity... just your flawed interpretation of it - which is very self centered.... .

..... again... you remind me of jonah... ... and trust me.. as someone who lives in a family of deep sea mariners i know a few things about jonah... ;) .....
I will stick with the instructions from God and let Him worry about the success or failure. Jericho made no sense but Joshua followed the Lord's instructions. Achan thought that God wouldn't mind a little looting and it cost him his life along with many others. And that peace treaty Joshua signed, that worked out well for Israel.
I am curious about how the message of redemption is understood when mixed in with political talking points. Or more importantly if it is heard at all. We are supposed to be reaching the lost for Christ. Sadly, our message is leavened with a message that is not concerned with the redemption of sinners. Remember, a little leaven leavens the whole lump.

As to "them" when we look out and can see them as nothing but degenerates, it blinds us to the fact that they are the fields in need of harvest. Every one of them is an image bearer of God, made in His likeness and is lost and going to hell. It seems that we would rather harness the power of government to mow down those fields rather than wade into their world to share Jesus. So I have been waiting for someone to explain how the political process is going to bring in the sheaves. God has told us how to do it but that isn't pragmatic or realistic so we decided to do it a different way. As Dr. Phil would say, how's that working for you?
I give out gospel tracts and witness as best as I can. People are going to be offended by confronting them with the gospel no matter what. Quit using the excuse of Christians trying to be good citizens and voting according to conscience with perverting the gospel. We don't have a King but a President and congressional leaders which God has given us the privilege of voting for. Your view of whatever will be will be is nothing but fatalism. God is in control but we are still responsible for our conduct as citizens of the United States as well.
how can you say you are against abortion when your stiff necked adherence to an ideal principle that cannot be put into practice, enables the very people who would abort and kill the most babies to take power?...... . ..your stand outside the camp enables liberals and causes more children to be aborted than would be otherwise... ... . i know you claim you are standing on principle but it;s one i cannot respect when it allows more innocent blood to be shed than would have under a better but flawed president, just so you can say you didn;t compromise....

Moloch doesn't care why we sacrifice the babies as long as we spill the blood for him. I guess the question back to you is how many babies are an acceptable sacrifice? Zero as in Arizona (for a short time) or unlimited as it is now in Michigan? Not to worry though, the pragmatic will stand by while Arizona plays catch up.
I give out gospel tracts and witness as best as I can. People are going to be offended by confronting them with the gospel no matter what. Quit using the excuse of Christians trying to be good citizens and voting according to conscience with perverting the gospel. We don't have a King but a President and congressional leaders which God has given us the privilege of voting for. Your view of whatever will be will be is nothing but fatalism. God is in control but we are still responsible for our conduct as citizens of the United States as well.
180 degrees out my friend. I am not a fatalist. I am a man who believes that God can and will change this country IF His people will follow His precepts. Yet the ongoing theory here has been that God's principles won't work in our current situation.

Again, you have fallen into the nonsense idea that I have told any of you who you can and can't vote for. My point is and has been that the unholy marriage of the church to the political process is the problem. This has been true going back at least to Reagan. We have foolishly put our hopes in men to solve spiritual problems. In that time we have come to point where the average American can't distinguish between a Christian and a Republican. Your vote doesn't pervert the gospel (and I never said that it did). The plan of salvation and ugly political rhetoric coming out the same mouth does. The gospel has come to be seen as little more than a republican talking point. And if someone dares to point out that this is a problem, oh how the wrath is unleashed (this is the cue for someone to call me an idiot).
180 degrees out my friend. I am not a fatalist. I am a man who believes that God can and will change this country IF His people will follow His precepts. Yet the ongoing theory here has been that God's principles won't work in our current situation.

Again, you have fallen into the nonsense idea that I have told any of you who you can and can't vote for. My point is and has been that the unholy marriage of the church to the political process is the problem. This has been true going back at least to Reagan. We have foolishly put our hopes in men to solve spiritual problems. In that time we have come to point where the average American can't distinguish between a Christian and a Republican. Your vote doesn't pervert the gospel (and I never said that it did). The plan of salvation and ugly political rhetoric coming out the same mouth does. The gospel has come to be seen as little more than a republican talking point. And if someone dares to point out that this is a problem, oh how the wrath is unleashed (this is the cue for someone to call me an idiot).
Give other Christians the liberty to be involved in government or not. You are a fatalist no matter what you say. Name one person who meets your standard of righteousness. Quit denigrating Christians who don't follow your beliefs.