When Do You Leave a Church?


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Feb 2, 2012
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Link-When Do You Leave a Church

Some good (and oversimplification too) in this article about principles for deciding if/when to leave a church in order to join another.

Link-When Do You Leave a Church

Some good (and oversimplification too) in this article about principles for deciding if/when to leave a church in order to join another.

My wife and I leave when the leadership is becoming/has become immoral, doesn't preach the Gospel, or is abusive to church members with the deacon body allowing it to continue after they've been notified of what's going on. We've seen a progression of our local IFB and SBC churches alike becoming morally bankrupt, supporting things the Scriptures don't, and it's been a really strange experience for us.
Taken from this fantastic article. Thanks @ALAYMAN
"The church is seriously out of step with the biblical pattern for the church."

This is, I think, the greatest error today, especially in Mega churches. People are not shepherded. If you just read how 1 and 2 Tim and Titus and 1 Cor 12-14 speak about the life of a local church, it does not happen. I was in John Piper's church for 15 years and it was not conducted in a biblical manner. The teaching was awesome, the worship was great, but there was absolutely no shepherding going on.
Taken from this fantastic article. Thanks @ALAYMAN
"The church is seriously out of step with the biblical pattern for the church."

This is, I think, the greatest error today, especially in Mega churches. People are not shepherded. If you just read how 1 and 2 Tim and Titus and 1 Cor 12-14 speak about the life of a local church, it does not happen. I was in John Piper's church for 15 years and it was not conducted in a biblical manner. The teaching was awesome, the worship was great, but there was absolutely no shepherding going on.
While I completely agree with your observation about one of the important aspects of a mature Church being the shepherding aspect, it's been my experience that there is also a very significant amount of people that do not want any form of accountability and shepherding in their life. They like to keep it superficial because they don't want to be involved and don't want to see biblical principles being put to the challenge in there existence.
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it's been my experience that there is also a very significant amount of people that do not want any form of accountability and shepherding in their life. They like to keep it superficial because I don't want to be involved and I don't want to see biblical principles
For some of us, it’s not so much that we want to not be involved or we want to keep things superficial, as it is a variety of negative church experiences over the years adding up to a reluctance to get too involved or to develop anything beyond superficial relationships in church. Personally, I attend church because I know it’s the right thing to do, and I want my family in church, but at this point in my life, I don’t trust getting too involved because I don’t want the “church drama” that I’ve experienced attaches itself when getting too submerged within the church.
For some of us, it’s not so much that we want to not be involved or we want to keep things superficial, as it is a variety of negative church experiences over the years adding up to a reluctance to get too involved or to develop anything beyond superficial relationships in church. Personally, I attend church because I know it’s the right thing to do, and I want my family in church, but at this point in my life, I don’t trust getting too involved because I don’t want the “church drama” that I’ve experienced attaches itself when getting too submerged within the church.
That answer is a good addition to the discussion, because it explains how some people don't plug deeply in to the worship and service of a local body. Being jaded by past experiences is a legitimate expression of our lack of willingness to invest ourselves deeply only to be burnt again. Having said that, I think that once a church (through its' membership/fellowship/leadership has demonstrated a model of Biblical church existence then we ought to seek to immerse ourselves in service by using the gifts He has given us. My description of the shallow and superficial relationship that many seek to maintain in their "religious" expriences was simply a way of explaining how I would find such a blase church life easy to abandon for something a bit more flashy. And of course if a church doesn't provide the framework of evangelism and discipleship unto servanthood then I would ascertain that upon my visits and find that a cause to move on to the church that did do church right.
This is, I think, the greatest error today, especially in Mega churches. People are not shepherded. If you just read how 1 and 2 Tim and Titus and 1 Cor 12-14 speak about the life of a local church, it does not happen. I was in John Piper's church for 15 years and it was not conducted in a biblical manner. The teaching was awesome, the worship was great, but there was absolutely no shepherding going on.
I suppose you can get a mega churches prone to that. It's not a given though that it has to be that way.
Link-When Do You Leave a Church

Some good (and oversimplification too) in this article about principles for deciding if/when to leave a church in order to join another.

I like it.

One thing I took from there: church is not there for my amusement; it is to glory God, and as long as they are doing that, one should not leave.
Taken from this fantastic article. Thanks @ALAYMAN
"The church is seriously out of step with the biblical pattern for the church."

This is, I think, the greatest error today, especially in Mega churches. People are not shepherded. If you just read how 1 and 2 Tim and Titus and 1 Cor 12-14 speak about the life of a local church, it does not happen. I was in John Piper's church for 15 years and it was not conducted in a biblical manner. The teaching was awesome, the worship was great, but there was absolutely no shepherding going on.

Please define terms: what do you mean by "shepherd" or "shepherding"? There is a sense that is wrong, as well as a sense that is right, and I don't know which one you are advocating.
My wife and I leave when the leadership is becoming/has become immoral, doesn't preach the Gospel, or is abusive to church members with the deacon body allowing it to continue after they've been notified of what's going on. We've seen a progression of our local IFB and SBC churches alike becoming morally bankrupt, supporting things the Scriptures don't, and it's been a really strange experience for us.
Maybe these churches are becoming cults? Better get out. We rarely attend church. We down stream our services or Bible teaching. I don't know if churches are relevant anymore with the advent of technology. The same can be said of missionaries.
Maybe these churches are becoming cults? Better get out. We rarely attend church. We down stream our services or Bible teaching. I don't know if churches are relevant anymore with the advent of technology. The same can be said of missionaries.
I think we have real life, bona fyde judaizer in our midst.
Maybe these churches are becoming cults? Better get out. We rarely attend church. We down stream our services or Bible teaching. I don't know if churches are relevant anymore with the advent of technology. The same can be said of missionaries.
Jesus said he would build his church and the gates of hell wouldn't prevail against it. The Bible tells us that he was in the synagogues...it was his custom. Churches aren't irrelevant.
They like to keep it superficial because they don't want to be involved and don't want to see biblical principles being put to the challenge in there existence.
Very easy to do in a large church.
If you can't fall asleep without getting called out, or you are unable to establish your own kingdom in the video room... (It takes a special skill to keep the frame centered like this!) :D

If you can't fall asleep without getting called out, or you are unable to establish your own kingdom in the video room... (It takes a special skill to keep the frame centered like this!) :D

Yes, this is a church I would leave. Nah, that’s a church I wouldn’t join.