AI will take over the world….

rise of the machines 😲
hasn;t it always been said that eventually science fiction becomes science fact?... at least most science fiction......
.... and here we all thought it was going to be zombies.... ;)

It's A, but not I....
hasn;t it always been said that eventually science fiction becomes science fact?... at least most science fiction.....
It's been said. But according to some of the hardest science fiction, we should have flying cars, talking computers, and people living on the moon by now. Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke made 2001: A Space Odyssey, the most realistic SF movie to date, in 1968--but they couldn't have predicted a number of major events, including the microcomputer revolution and the end of the Soviet Union, which turned world history in a completely different direction. (To say nothing of minor events like the breakup of the telephone company or PanAm going defunct.)

The problem with "AI will take over the world," as I see it, is that the human brain is so much more complex than a computer. If you networked all the computers in the world together so they could function as one, you'd probably have the equivalent of ... a couple of people. And they're probably still not capable of thinking abstractly. Some SkyNet.
AI seems to be doing a pretty good job of taking over the Voiceover industry. I have many friends and a few relatives who work in this field, and my wife and I have just started back in it...and there are actually people asking to copy our voices for AI.....UGH! Always trying to replace humans.
It's been said. But according to some of the hardest science fiction, we should have flying cars, talking computers, and people living on the moon by now. Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke made 2001: A Space Odyssey, the most realistic SF movie to date, in 1968--but they couldn't have predicted a number of major events, including the microcomputer revolution and the end of the Soviet Union, which turned world history in a completely different direction. (To say nothing of minor events like the breakup of the telephone company or PanAm going defunct.)

The problem with "AI will take over the world," as I see it, is that the human brain is so much more complex than a computer. If you networked all the computers in the world together so they could function as one, you'd probably have the equivalent of ... a couple of people. And they're probably still not capable of thinking abstractly. Some SkyNet.
hmmmmm ...:unsure:... ..well then... i guess what you;re saying is - it might end up being zombies afterall?..... :sneaky:


but what you said about the human brain reminds me of something i heard a new age.. and seriously bent to the left... college professor say once.... . she said that since the human brain has 10 billion known cells.... and with world population on the rise.... that as soon as the world population reaches 10 billion all peoples on earth will enter an almost telepathic state with each other... and begin to communicate with each other the same way human brain cells do... all modern communication equipment will become obsolete and unnecessary . ... .as it will be like every human being on earth has merged to become one organism.... 😲

she had a large following of like minded students in that class who agreed with everything she said.... but when she made that statement only a couple of front row sycophants nodded in agreement - with big smiles on their faces.. while the rest of us looked around at each other shocked and silently mouthed... "what the ******** ?" .... well... a few of them weren;t exactly silent about it.... i might have been among those who said it outloud... i don;t remember... but i was among the group that got a stern look from her as if to tell us we better not say anything else.....
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