Answered Prayer

Vince Massi

Well-known member
Jun 15, 2013
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Yesterday, after the doctor told Nancy that she had heart blockage, we went to prayer meeting, and some of our folks prayed for Nancy. Priscilla, a retired missionary who has a gift of healing, laid hands on her. Yesterday, Raoul Frutos, who also has a gift of healing, prayed for her.

Today the doctor told us that Nancy has no heart blockage.
Thank you, Tim. It is not wrong for you to pray for God to give you more spiritual gifts.

Strangely enough, there is no gift of healing. There are "gifts of healings."

Years ago, I had hepatitis, and Raoul laid hands on me. Nothing happened. Three days later, the doctor told me that I was healed. And he had the records to show that I had hepatitis a week ago.

A couple of years ago. I could not lift my right arm higher than my shoulder. Priscilla laid hands on me and I felt something in my shoulder, but nothing happened. A couple of months later, I realized that my arm had been healed for some time.

Why didn't God heal me instantly? I don't know. Their gifts did not provide instant healing, but they worked.
Vince Massi said:
Yesterday, after the doctor told Nancy that she had heart blockage, we went to prayer meeting, and some of our folks prayed for Nancy. Priscilla, a retired missionary who has a gift of healing, laid hands on her. Yesterday, Raoul Frutos, who also has a gift of healing, prayed for her.

Today the doctor told us that Nancy has no heart blockage.

Not to doubt your story, but how did the doctor determine she had blockage.  Did she have a heart cath done?  And then he did another heart cath today?  Why?
The first doctor hooked up an electrocardiogram machine and read the results.

I apologize, X-Files. I was in a hurry to visit the church van route, and I didn't realize that my reply sounded rude. I appreciate the courteous wording of your post.

Nancy was in pretty bad shape when I brought her in. She had a massive leg infection (No one knows how), her blood pressure medication had stopped working, and she was having chest pains. They got the infection cleared up and brought her blood pressure down to normal. They had her on the electrocardiogram for a while, and the results indicated heart blockage.

Could the doctor have made a mistake? Yes, and that's why I only stated that the second doctor (the next day, after people prayed for Nancy) found no evidence of heart blockage.
Vince Massi said:
I apologize, X-Files. I was in a hurry to visit the church van route, and I didn't realize that my reply sounded rude. I appreciate the courteous wording of your post.

Nancy was in pretty bad shape when I brought her in. She had a massive leg infection (No one knows how), her blood pressure medication had stopped working, and she was having chest pains. They got the infection cleared up and brought her blood pressure down to normal. They had her on the electrocardiogram for a while, and the results indicated heart blockage.

Could the doctor have made a mistake? Yes, and that's why I only stated that the second doctor (the next day, after people prayed for Nancy) found no evidence of heart blockage.

May I suggest you find new doctors?  An electrocardiogram is not used to find blockage, but *may* show it in extreme cases.  Last year I had chest pains.  Wife called 911.  Paramedics hooked up EKG and readings were normal.  After heart cath, I had 2 at 99% blockage.  Ended up with a 5-way bypass.  The only test I am aware of that can detect blockage is a calcium scan, and that will only tell them you have a high risk of having blockage.  A heart cath is about the only true way to make the determination, other than having them crack your chest open (not recommended).
Well, Brother, I hope that you're feeling better. Nancy is improving, and I'm grateful to the Lord for that.
IFB X-Files said:
Vince Massi said:
I apologize, X-Files. I was in a hurry to visit the church van route, and I didn't realize that my reply sounded rude. I appreciate the courteous wording of your post.

Nancy was in pretty bad shape when I brought her in. She had a massive leg infection (No one knows how), her blood pressure medication had stopped working, and she was having chest pains. They got the infection cleared up and brought her blood pressure down to normal. They had her on the electrocardiogram for a while, and the results indicated heart blockage.

Could the doctor have made a mistake? Yes, and that's why I only stated that the second doctor (the next day, after people prayed for Nancy) found no evidence of heart blockage.

May I suggest you find new doctors?  An electrocardiogram is not used to find blockage, but *may* show it in extreme cases.  Last year I had chest pains.  Wife called 911.  Paramedics hooked up EKG and readings were normal.  After heart cath, I had 2 at 99% blockage.  Ended up with a 5-way bypass.  The only test I am aware of that can detect blockage is a calcium scan, and that will only tell them you have a high risk of having blockage.  A heart cath is about the only true way to make the determination, other than having them crack your chest open (not recommended).

You're right. I haven't had a heart cath but I have had dye used for a vein blockage. Its really the best way they can tell if your veins or arteries are blocked and how much. They can do a ultra sound test in certain areas to see if there is blood flowing through a vein but they can't tell how much its blocked without a dye test.