Authentic IFBers

Dr. Huk-N-Duck

Well-known member
Jun 12, 2022
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The South
As I peruse this forum, what I thought was a forum for those of the Independent Fundamental Baptist persuasion, it strikes me as odd that, not only do I not see folks who claim to be IFB, but I am observing folks who actually seem unapologetically anti-IFB.
Am I accurate in my assessment or just misreading posts?
As I peruse this forum, what I thought was a forum for those of the Independent Fundamental Baptist persuasion, it strikes me as odd that, not only do I not see folks who claim to be IFB, but I am observing folks who actually seem unapologetically anti-IFB.
Am I accurate in my assessment or just misreading posts?
The vast majority of posters here either have had direct contact and experience in or with IFBs, or are still within the IFB framework. Most who participate here are hostile or critical of a certain strain of IFB-dom that is associated with Jack Hyles and his offshoots or associated "camps". That forum member makeup, to some degree or other, has been the lonnnnng history of all Fighting Fundamental Forum iterations (over 20 years, nearer to 25). In the past (prior to 7-10 years ago) the FFF would have had a more equal balance of those who would have been supportive of Hyles-style ministries, but not so much now, as this pond is hugely reduced to a puddle of its' former self. I am a 22-year member of a IFB church that has roots in several strains of IFB-dom (Ruckman, Norris, Hyles, BBF, etc). I still consider myself IFB, but not of that particular strain that favors what some people term as "militatant fundamentalism".
The vast majority of posters here either have had direct contact and experience in or with IFBs, or are still within the IFB framework. Most who participate here are hostile or critical of a certain strain of IFB-dom that is associated with Jack Hyles and his offshoots or associated "camps". That forum member makeup, to some degree or other, has been the lonnnnng history of all Fighting Fundamental Forum iterations (over 20 years, nearer to 25). In the past (prior to 7-10 years ago) the FFF would have had a more equal balance of those who would have been supportive of Hyles-style ministries, but not so much now, as this pond is hugely reduced to a puddle of its' former self. I am a 22-year member of a IFB church that has roots in several strains of IFB-dom (Ruckman, Norris, Hyles, BBF, etc). I still consider myself IFB, but not of that particular strain that favors what some people term as "militatant fundamentalism".
I see. Thanks for your response. I’m not really familiar with Jack Hyles, other than I’ve heard the name before. I suppose I’m more from the Bob Jone University strain, and by that, I mean churches I’ve attended have had men from BJU on staff, and to a lesser extent, Pensacola Christian College. (I actually graduated from a state college, not a Christian college, so I’m not advocating either one, I just haven’t attended a church with a Hyles graduate.)
I see. Thanks for your response. I’m not really familiar with Jack Hyles, other than I’ve heard the name before. I suppose I’m more from the Bob Jone University strain, and by that, I mean churches I’ve attended have had men from BJU on staff, and to a lesser extent, Pensacola Christian College. (I actually graduated from a state college, not a Christian college, so I’m not advocating either one, I just haven’t attended a church with a Hyles graduate.)
To say you're not missing anything by missing out on any Hyles-styled IFB churches is an understatement. I've attended several, and my wife and I quickly grew sick of the hero worship, cover-ups, and horse puckey that went on in them. We ended up leaving one in May of 2000, going to an SBC church up the road from the one we left. But, now, as many SBC churches are falling away from any type of standards, we find ourselves looking for an IFB church that isn't militant to attend. They're hard to find these days. Many churches are leaving both the IFB, and becoming either IB or non-denom.
To say you're not missing anything by missing out on any Hyles-styled IFB churches is an understatement. I've attended several, and my wife and I quickly grew sick of the hero worship, cover-ups, and horse puckey that went on in them. We ended up leaving one in May of 2000, going to an SBC church up the road from the one we left. But, now, as many SBC churches are falling away from any type of standards, we find ourselves looking for an IFB church that isn't militant to attend. They're hard to find these days. Many churches are leaving both the IFB, and becoming either IB or non-denom.
Sounds like these Hyles churches do more harm than good for Christ. I’ve been to a couple of BJU and PCC churches with some peculiar “rules” or beliefs, but I normally just tune out some of the oddities. The SBC churches just seem hit or miss to me. I’ve found myself more comfortable in the smaller ones than the bigger ones. I don’t know, sometimes the bigger SBC churches seem like they’re trying to hard to be “cool and trendy” while also trying to follow the gospel, and it then feels odd, like a conflict of interests almost. I don’t know if that makes sense or not, but that’s how I feel.
I see. Thanks for your response. I’m not really familiar with Jack Hyles, other than I’ve heard the name before. I suppose I’m more from the Bob Jone University strain, and by that, I mean churches I’ve attended have had men from BJU on staff, and to a lesser extent, Pensacola Christian College. (I actually graduated from a state college, not a Christian college, so I’m not advocating either one, I just haven’t attended a church with a Hyles graduate.)
Well, to be fair, the strict fundamentalist nature of the institutions that you mentioned, though they are different in some significant ways, really fit under the same umbrella when it comes to the reason why many of the people here disdain the culture of IFB. As you are aware, Pensacola and Bob Jones are both considered by those from the Evangelical spectrum to be right wing. Of course that is due to a perception at least of an overemphasis on rules that often are deemed as legalistic. Though there is a particular contempt here for the highest strain of fundamentalism, Bob Jones and Pensacola both still would be in the target sights of most criticisms that you find from people here. It has always been that way. This forum was created in its infancy with that very theme in mind. It was a freewheeling food fight amongst people who supported the (uber) conservative strain of ifb's and those who would be from a more moderate or liberal wing of it (or had left it all together). That particular strain of Hyles, PCC, Bob Jones, etc were eventually given the infamous descriptor IFBx (x representing the extreme wing of IFBdom), while those who often ran to the other side of the ditch were termed "Freebirds". That is a Cliff's notes version of the two generalized categories of groups that have always battled here.

On a different note, you mentioned you went to a state school and have no bones in the fight for PCC. Likewise, I did not grow up in a Christian home or fundamentalism in general, but came to Christ as a 19 year old young man and did not get introduced to any real form of fundamentalist Christianity until I was in my early thirties, by which time I had already completed my collegiate studies at Satan U as well. 😁
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As I peruse this forum, what I thought was a forum for those of the Independent Fundamental Baptist persuasion, it strikes me as odd that, not only do I not see folks who claim to be IFB, but I am observing folks who actually seem unapologetically anti-IFB.
Am I accurate in my assessment or just misreading posts?
Christians of any persuasion may post here. I think you'll find the majority of posters either are present or former IFBs, or have had some experience with IFB churches. On the other hand, I for one have not.
I’m not really familiar with Jack Hyles, other than I’ve heard the name before.
Then that's one thing we have in common. Back in 1998 or so, I stumbled upon the original iteration of the FFF while looking into the KJV-only movement, specifically Jack Hyles, whom I had not heard of previously. (He may have had the largest Sunday school in the US, but he still went unnoticed amongst mainstream evangelical Canadian Baptists...)
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Sounds like these Hyles churches do more harm than good for Christ. I’ve been to a couple of BJU and PCC churches with some peculiar “rules” or beliefs, but I normally just tune out some of the oddities. The SBC churches just seem hit or miss to me. I’ve found myself more comfortable in the smaller ones than the bigger ones. I don’t know, sometimes the bigger SBC churches seem like they’re trying to hard to be “cool and trendy” while also trying to follow the gospel, and it then feels odd, like a conflict of interests almost. I don’t know if that makes sense or not, but that’s how I feel.
I agree. The one my wife and I are members of now in the SBC is a smaller church...before Covid hit, we were running between 95 and 150 a week. The church has been here for nearly 200 years. Now the church is running about 65. In recent years, though, it had started to move from conservative to a more "trendy" type of service...a LOT of CCM, little true preaching on salvation, and just a few baptisms...mostly youth who had been reached through very worldly themed know...let's be more like the world than like a Christian??? UGH! We have been praying about our continuation there. Don't get me wrong..we love the people there, but, there is a point where one has to make a decision to continue to be part of the slide down the slope to carnalism or to take a stand for Christ. We've been there almost 7 years.
The “fighting” part of the forum’s name now makes sense…I was a little confused by this at first. I haven’t really experienced any of these Hyles or “IFBx” churches (as Alayman noted). I’ve experienced a couple churches that have most (not all) women who shun pants, or who lean heavily on music that’s older fashioned. My wife and daughter still wears pants, but typically will wear a dress to church. I have a teenager, and we have guidelines for music, but admittedly we do allow CCM and some clean secular music (usually pop or country). However, when at church activities, we do ask to be respectful of the church’s stance. Honestly, it’s never been an issue for us.
I totally understand kids don’t usually have any choice in where their parents take them to church. However, what does confuse me is grown adults who bellyache about their fundamentalists church. If you’re an adult, then move your family to a place of worship where you feel led by God. I’ve met a handful of adults who play the blame game and try to act like their church ruined their kids upbringing and act as though all of life’s ills are the church or pastor’s fault. To me, this seems like an easy way of not looking in the mirror at one’s own decisions in life. No one forced someone to attend a church (again, speaking of adults).
As I peruse this forum, what I thought was a forum for those of the Independent Fundamental Baptist persuasion, it strikes me as odd that, not only do I not see folks who claim to be IFB, but I am observing folks who actually seem unapologetically anti-IFB.
Am I accurate in my assessment or just misreading posts?

at least one of us here attends a catholic church now and then....for the regular church service.... but mostly just when invited to fill in with the special music ensemble.... .

i haven;t been inside the regular sanctuary of the church i am a member of.... a christian congregational church.... since just after i joined it..... .... but that could change soon because they just reached an agreement with the state and native hawaiian groups to rebury the bones they dug out of an ancient cemetery and stored in the church basement, originally part of an ill conceived plan to make space for a new fellowship center and gymnasium.... .for now they have scrapped their plans for new building development and decided to remain in the 19th century just a little bit longer.....

as long as those boxes of bones from desecrated graves were in the basement i could not make myself enter that building even if i had wanted to.... i have continued to attend sunday school through that church though... our classes are held in a separate building..... and my sunday school teacher... (a very elderly but very conservative hawaiian lady who teaches in the hawaiian language)... ... is more independent and fundamental than anybody you will find on this forum.... she refuses to use the denominations weekly sunday school lesson outlines and instead writes her own... based on what she perceives are the needs of her class..... ..i look forward to sitting next to her in church again once they get those bones out of the basement and put them back in the ground.....
The “fighting” part of the forum’s name now makes sense…I was a little confused by this at first. I haven’t really experienced any of these Hyles or “IFBx” churches (as Alayman noted). I’ve experienced a couple churches that have most (not all) women who shun pants, or who lean heavily on music that’s older fashioned. My wife and daughter still wears pants, but typically will wear a dress to church. I have a teenager, and we have guidelines for music, but admittedly we do allow CCM and some clean secular music (usually pop or country). However, when at church activities, we do ask to be respectful of the church’s stance. Honestly, it’s never been an issue for us.
I totally understand kids don’t usually have any choice in where their parents take them to church. However, what does confuse me is grown adults who bellyache about their fundamentalists church. If you’re an adult, then move your family to a place of worship where you feel led by God. I’ve met a handful of adults who play the blame game and try to act like their church ruined their kids upbringing and act as though all of life’s ills are the church or pastor’s fault. To me, this seems like an easy way of not looking in the mirror at one’s own decisions in life. No one forced someone to attend a church (again, speaking of adults).
Most of what served as the contentiousness of the older versions of the "fighting" forums was due to several reasons. The controversial nature of the lightning rod leaders of the IFB churches and organizations (Gray, Hyles, Goddard, Ruckman, Norris, Kidd, etc) spurred disagreements over moral issues/failures in leadership, as well as styles of authoritarianism. Secondly, how people disagreed was often referred to as "bringing more heat than light", because people would sling ad hominem rather than simply agreeing to disagree in an amicable fashion, nor would many people argue from a sound logical and exegetical basis (but would rather claim something like "preacher said..."). And lastly, the doctrines themselves (pants on women, bible versions, secondary separation, holiness standards of preference preached as conviction, etc) are by their very nature divisive, not to mention that the doctrines were often taught within those circles by poor hermeneutical principles and heavy-laden topical cotton-candy type preaching. As the internet became more open, and people discovered worlds of other Christians who openly shunned these "conservative" factions of IFBs then it became less a draw to fight on the FFF, as people migrated to social media platforms to get their theological wars settled.
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The “fighting” part of the forum’s name now makes sense…
This forum was originally named simply the "Jack Hyles Forum" because its founder added it to a site he had created with a bunch of Hyles-related resources. A few years later he changed the name to the "Fightin' Fundamentalist Forum," and though his involvement is long gone, the name has stuck with subsequent owners.

I imagine the new name was a bit tongue-in-cheek. On the one hand, there's the freewheeling, semi-unmoderated nature of the forum. On the other, there's the sort of vulgar, pugnacious militancy that Hyles and the other IFB celebrities were known for. I dare say that if men like Jack Hyles had modeled their ministries more like J. Gresham Machen and less J. Frank Norris, there'd be considerably less "fightin'."
This forum was originally named simply the "Jack Hyles Forum" because its founder added it to a site he had created with a bunch of Hyles-related resources. A few years later he changed the name to the "Fightin' Fundamentalist Forum," and though his involvement is long gone, the name has stuck with subsequent owners.

I imagine the new name was a bit tongue-in-cheek. On the one hand, there's the freewheeling, semi-unmoderated nature of the forum. On the other, there's the sort of vulgar, pugnacious militancy that Hyles and the other IFB celebrities were known for. I dare say that if men like Jack Hyles had modeled their ministries more like J. Gresham Machen and less J. Frank Norris, there'd be considerably less "fightin'."
I think the name change was due to a constant DDOS attack brought about by an offended person who didn't think a web site with the name "" should allow criticism of Jack Hyles. I think the owner/moderator of the web site negotiated -somewhat publicly in the forum itself - to rename or create a new forum that didn't include Jack Hyles name where disagreements could be discussed. I may be remembering it wrong.
I may be remembering it wrong.
The name change came about because of an IFB pastor and Hyles sycophant, James "Yeller" Beller, complaining about the forum allowing criticism of Hyles, as you point out. My recollection is that the DDOS attack came after the change. There's no way of knowing if Beller had any hand in that. (If I'd known in 2000-ish that I'd be the most senior original member and de facto FFF historian, I'd have taken more notes!)

Update: Did a little digging, as I've talked here and there about the history of the old FFF. (I swear, one of these days I'm going to go through all my posts and put together one, definitive history.) The name change happened in 1999 and was in response to the complaints of Yeller Beller. The DDOS attack apparently took place in 2001. It appears it was perpetrated by some guy named Tim Pointer.
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I was discipled in IFB circles, but not the ultra militant ones. In the 80s I was a new believer and was fairly naive. It wasn't time for me to be able to discern (beyond basics) good or bad churches. I came out of IFBdom and was part of more evangelical churches... To me, Christian was Christian. I did discover the differences as I grew. I finally moved to a different part of the country and found the churches to be decidedly more liberal. I thought about returning to my IFB roots. That is when I stumbled across the FFF. About that same time, I got involved with Calvary Chapel. Same doctrine as IFB, but not as focused on the externals. I have been attending CC for over 20 years now. I'm watching many formally good ministries go the way of the world. CC, like IFB, is not a structured denomination: each local congregation is autonomous. I've seen a number of CC leaders fall. But that doesn't affect our congregation. We're still committed to studying and teaching the Word systematically. It's difficult to go militant or liberal if our focus is on the WHOLE WORD.
The name change came about because of an IFB pastor and Hyles sycophant, James "Yeller" Beller, complaining about the forum allowing criticism of Hyles, as you point out. My recollection is that the DDOS attack came after the change. There's no way of knowing if Beller had any hand in that. (If I'd known in 2000-ish that I'd be the most senior original member and de facto FFF historian, I'd have taken more notes!)

Update: Did a little digging, as I've talked here and there about the history of the old FFF. (I swear, one of these days I'm going to go through all my posts and put together one, definitive history.) The name change happened in 1999 and was in response to the complaints of Yeller Beller. The DDOS attack apparently took place in 2001. It appears it was perpetrated by some guy named Tim Pointer.
I remember both of those incidents....I lost all of my posts from the old FFF about five years back when our computers and servers were destroyed.