Baseball Champions

Dr. Huk-N-Duck

Well-known member
Jun 12, 2022
Reaction score
The South
Looking forward to getting back home to see the current Single-A champions in action this season.
BTW, we have a well-known owner: Bill Murray
What’s your interest in baseball?
What’s your interest in baseball?
My interest in general? I just like baseball. I also enjoy watching football, golf, March Madness, and even occasionally some tennis and NASCAR. I played only a little baseball, so I’m not an accomplished player or anything. I was definitely never college scholarship material.
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My interest in general? I just like baseball. I also enjoy watching football, golf, March Madness, and even occasionally some tennis. I played only a little baseball, so I’m not an accomplished player or anything. I was definitely never draft worthy.
Yeah, I remember you said that you hadn’t played a lot of baseball in high school, so my question was really about why you were drawn to a single A ball event. I figured it was something to do with the fact they were very near you, and it was a cheap family event to pass the time while enjoying some sports.

We used to have a professional baseball team in our small town, but it was less talented than even a single A club. I went to a few games but they never lasted. Too few in attendance to sustain them.
Yeah, I remember you said that you hadn’t played a lot of baseball in high school, so my question was really about why you were drawn to a single A ball event. I figured it was something to do with the fact they were very near you, and it was a cheap family event to pass the time while enjoying some sports.

We used to have a professional baseball team in our small town, but it was less talented than even a single A club. I went to a few games but they never lasted. Too few in attendance to sustain them.
No, I’m originally from Charleston (or at least the vicinity of Charleston). I moved to Florida after college. I’ll go see them play when I’m back in South Carolina visiting family though. Since we didn’t/don’t have a pro team in SC, I grew up a Braves fan since they were geographically closest, but later switched allegiance to the Rays. I kind of go back and forth between the two now, but I’d say Rays are my #1 team since they started back around the time I was finishing high school.