Been out of IFBX movement for 10 years now. Is it still dead?


Feb 11, 2012
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I left my IFBX cult around 10 years ago and really haven't kept up with the latest fads in fundamentalism. I know Schaap showed his true colors (which I totally predicted he would), but that's about it.

So who are the latest "stars" in fundamentalism?  what are the current controversies?  Is the movement still as spiritually dead as it was 10 years ago or have things changed?

is it still evil for women to wear pants, go to the movies or listen to country music? 

fill me in

Stephen said:
I left my IFBX cult around 10 years ago and really haven't kept up with the latest fads in fundamentalism. I know Schaap showed his true colors (which I totally predicted he would), but that's about it.

So who are the latest "stars" in fundamentalism?  what are the current controversies?  Is the movement still as spiritually dead as it was 10 years ago or have things changed?

is it still evil for women to wear pants, go to the movies or listen to country music? 

fill me in


Country music? Evil?
C'mon, what would make you ever think that would be the case?
Went to a rodeo yesterday and Country music was blaring.
Couldn't repeat most of the words b/c they were, well, vile.
Hmmmm, what's wrong with vile lyrics?
i see the kjv only nuts are still around

Stephen said:
i see the kjv only nuts are still around
. And the "victims " are still crying after TEN years lol !,!!!
The IFBx cults you ask about have a self inflicted mortal wound and they don't even know it.  It is just a slow bleed out.
Much better since you left. 

Yet, you're still obsessed with it.
Let it go....  ;)
Tarheel Baptist said:
Yet, you're still obsessed with it.
Let it go....  ;)

Just trying to catch up on the IFB "movement".   

I could be mean...............but I won't.
Frag said:
Much better since you left.

Frag is the big drawing card for the ifb movement. Any more questions about how they are doing????
I've never been part of it myself except for one year when I was 12, and got saved in a GARBC (counts as IFB according to Dr. Bob) Sunday school class. But I've learned a lot about IFB and IFBx from hangin' over the years with these fine folks on this board and its predecessors. Mainly I've learned two things:

1) There are some terrific people in it, many more who are decent but could benefit from deprogramming, and some real dirtbags too.

2) My year with GARBC was just right -- I learned the basics of the faith, which have stuck with me, but moved on before I could acquire any bad habits. I'm in a mainline/liberal church now and happy with that.
Izdaari said:
I've never been part of it myself except for one year when I was 12, and got saved in a GARBC (counts as IFB according to Dr. Bob) Sunday school class. But I've learned a lot about IFB and IFBx from hangin' over the years with these fine folks on this board and its predecessors. Mainly I've learned two things:

1) There are some terrific people in it, many more who are decent but could benefit from deprogramming, and some real dirtbags too.

2) My year with GARBC was just right -- I learned the basics of the faith, which have stuck with me, but moved on before I could acquire any bad habits. I'm in a mainline/liberal church now and happy with that.

I will concur that at one time the GARBC far surpassed any IFB church in teaching Bible doctrine.  Not sure of that anymore, but only because I no longer know anyone who is really in a GARBC church. 
Stephen said:
I left my IFBX cult around 10 years ago and really haven't kept up with the latest fads in fundamentalism. I know Schaap showed his true colors (which I totally predicted he would), but that's about it.

So who are the latest "stars" in fundamentalism?  what are the current controversies?  Is the movement still as spiritually dead as it was 10 years ago or have things changed?

is it still evil for women to wear pants, go to the movies or listen to country music? 

fill me in


BTW, welcome back my friend. Hope ya stay awhile.
