BLM is a non racist, peace loving organization.

Despising child abuse doesn't mean you hate parents.

Speaking out on drug abuse doesn't mean you loathe medicine or doctors.

Being bothered by littering doesn't mean you want your candy to come without wrappers, or your meals to come without napkins. It just means you hate seeing wrappers and napkins thrown on the ground.

I despise police brutality. I think it is an evil abuse of power and trust, akin to pedophile priests. To have the very people sworn to protect you ? paid for by your own tax dollars ? harass, brutalize, rape, and even kill you is as twisted and demented as any form of abuse we'll ever see in this country. I believe that brutal police officers should be held to the highest ethical standards and find it deplorable that abusive officer after abusive officer in America is far too often set free without punishment.

We should all be deeply disturbed by the fact that an unarmed African-American man is an astounding seven times more likely to be killed by American police than an unarmed white man.

We should all be bothered to our core by the sheer volume of police officers from coast to coast who've been caught texting each other some of the most bigoted messages imaginable.

Being bothered by police brutality, speaking out against it and demanding that our nation live up to its creed of "liberty and justice for all," does not mean you hate police officers. It does not mean you want to see them massacred by assault rifles in the middle of the street.


But here's the thing: when black men ? like trained military veterans Micah Johnson or Gavin Long ? kill police officers, it's used as an indictment of millions of African-Americans in general. Those men, apparently like every other white man who killed police this year, acted alone. They were not a part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

This movement was formed to protest unjust extrajudicial murders. The movement is fundamentally an anti-violence movement. Its leaders are peaceful, anti-violence activists. Saying otherwise is not just obtuse, it's a lie. Highlighting the ugliness and injustice of police brutality is not hateful, it's common sense. Are we actually supposed to suffer violence by law enforcement and be quiet about it? Nobody else is held to that standard. Furthermore, if justice was even a little more common in this country, people would not feel the need to be in a perpetual state of protest.

Black Lives Matter opposes police brutality, not police
Except that BLM is all about liberating from those pigs

Violence is not being perpetuated against an idea, it is being perpetuated against people.




Yeah, white guys don't riot when they feel threatened, only when their team wins the championship. But that's OK because they are celebrating and they aren't being "racist".





Yes. Those are also pictures of violence. I almost forgot that Ferguson and Baltimore were celebratory events!
Smellin Coffee
Yeah, white guys don't riot when they feel threatened, only when their team wins the championship. But that's OK because they are celebrating and they aren't being "racist".

That's your answer?
Thanks for again illustrating the hypocrisy and empty arguments of progressive liberal positions.

OBLM is a peace loving, police respecting organization....yeah right!  ;)