Books That Inspired You


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Jun 2, 2016
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What books helped shape your life?  Of course, the Bible has been the main book that shaped most of us, especially if you are a Christian.

I'd like to hear about other books that made a difference in your life.  My sister gave me a copy of "In His Steps" years ago.  I was young and a new Christian.  It made me view things differently.

Hopefully, there are many who will share.
God's Pursuit of Man by A.W. Tozer was more of a blessing to me than I can adequately express, I am so thankful that he wrote it!  How well that man knew our King, and inspired me to know Him too!

Many of the words in Hannah Whitall Smith's The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life were inspirational to me in finding joy during times of trial and affliction.

I read an abridged, modern-English version of Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress when I was very young in Christ, then the real deal several years later. 

I still look through them all from time to time, and the thoughts they present have inspired many a peaceful hour of contemplation and communion with my Lord. 
Final Authority by William P. Grady

earnestly contend

10,000 Reasons:
Stories of Faith, Hope, and Thankfulness Inspired by the Worship Anthem

by Matt Redman
This could be a long list, here are a few books that have impacted me outside the bible:

Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill
Preacher and Prayer by E.M. Bounds
The Practice of the Presence of God: Brother Lawrence
Humility by Andrew Murray
Pagan Christianity by George Barna & Frank Viola.

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I have to admit upfront that I've never read the entire book entitled, "Moby Dick", but I've watched a couple of movies on it and purchased the book.

I'm fascinated with all of the symbolism.  At first, I thought it was all about pride and arrogance, but when I watched it a few weeks ago, I realized it was so much more than that!

Captain Ahab is the commander of the ship. He lost his leg and has scars on his face because of Moby Dick.  He becomes obsessed with the creature that disfigured him.  He stalks his prey.  He doesn't listen to Starbuck, a godly man who is loaded with logic, love for his family, and faith.

Ahab's obsession becomes clear over time, and he refuses to listen to reason.  He is so driven to find Moby that a storm comes, and he presses the crew on.  The ship and its crew end up in the Antartica, but Ahab wants revenge and will let nothing or no one get in the way of killing Moby Dick.

At one point when it is clear that the dangers of the sea will cause damage not only to the ship but also to his crew, Ahab says, "Is Ahab, Ahab?"

It brought tears to my eyes when I thought of how it related to my life and to some of my loved ones.  I've had my own Mobys, and I bear the internal scars. There was a time when I wanted revenge against my Moby.

Thankfully, over time, I realized in order to enjoy life, I had to let the object of my anger and obsession go, and it has made all the difference.

Below is a link to an excerpt from Moby Dick by Herman Melville.

Can't remember the name of the book, but it was by a man who as a Dr. and scientist set out to prove that there was no God, and then was convicted and converted. He became a missionary, and I met him and his wife while I was at Maranatha Baptist Bible College in 1982-83 while I was helping with the deaf ministry at Bible Baptist Church in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. His wife had lost half of her nose to leprosy while they were missionaries. Great testimony and very gracious and humble people. Wish I could find the book, but it's all packed up and I can't even find the story on the net any more. Maybe someone could help this poor, failing memory! ;)
In His Steps  - Charles Sheldon
Pilgrims Progress - both the kid's version and the authentic many years later.

I ran across Caleb Thompson testimony book, it stirred my hear during a low point in my life, then found out what he did and what he became and nearly threw up.