CA finally cracks down on retail theft with a state wide campaign


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2013
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The south
After years of being the retail theft capital of the US, CA strikes back with retail theft taskforces and proposed tougher legislation.

Gangs of smash and grab artists have plagued stores like Ulta, Target, TJ Max, Walgreens and others for years. Last year retail theft topped $95 billion dollars in the US and $7.8 billion of it was in California.

State wide crackdowns have arrested multiple rings who steal and then sell the merchandise on Amazon.

I say it's about time, retail theft cost us all in higher prices.
You mean to say these impoverished smash and grabbers aren't entitled to big rich corporate outlets' merchandise?

Of course, politicians are going to pay attention to the issue... It's an election year.
You mean to say these impoverished smash and grabbers aren't entitled to big rich corporate outlets' merchandise?

Of course, politicians are going to pay attention to the issue... It's an election year.
yes it is.... and with the short attention spans of voters.... and even shorter memorys ... the politicians are doing this just in time to make the voters happy and ready to flip the demo switch in november.... ........ but the retail thieves need not worry..... all they have to do is be patient for 6 months and then it will be open season on the retailers again - and just in time for christmas....🎅 ..
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