Calling all Pastors!

GeneFrenkle said:
I've always felt the fourth commandment was important and has a place: a day off.  For this reason, we schedule soul winning before Wednesday nights after time change.  During the winter, we'll have one Saturday a month that we go out for a few hours.

Saturdays should be for family, not bringing people to church.  Some are good at making these two seamless, but not many.

I agree but what about:

1. Bus calling
2. Soul winning
3. Monthly Seniors dinners
4. Building  maintenance &  repair days
5. Teen activities
6. Primary & Jr. kids activities
7. Discipleship classes
8. Kids, teen,  and adult choir special practice
9. Special music group practice.
10. Play practice
11. Ladies missionary project Saturdays
12.  Weddings, funerals and other special events.
The first five years I pastored I also worked a full time secular job. That experience was good for me for a number of reasons, and one of them is this specific issue. It gave me an understanding of the schedule/time pressure that spiritual and committed church members have to deal with. I try not to forget it.
Tarheel Baptist said:
Bruh said:
My family has been a part of 4 IFB churches and 1 SBC church.
Disclaimer: we've moved a few times due to work therefore 5 churches.

In all 5 churches there has been "soul winning". The 4 IFB churches had organized soul winning on Saturday.  We were expected to go every Saturday without fail no excuses. Then comes Sunday and Sunday's are hardly a day off. Then Monday morning we are off to work to start the week again. The pastors usually have Monday's off. I have no issues whatsoever with pastors taking a day off.

IMO, how can a pastor expect his people to do more than he is? They have a day off we don't.

Our current church is starting a soul winning program and the pastor says he can't go because Saturday is his only day off. I'm not going to question him for the sake of relationship. But again do pastors forget what it is to be a layman?

I'm not against pastors or upset with any of my former pastors, but this is truly an honest question.

Do pastors forget what it is to be a laymen?  Or am I missing something?

First of all, if your Pastor can't or won't attend organized witnessing on Saturday, why did they schedule it for said day? Doesn't make sense to me if he/they want it to be well attended. IMO that makes your pastor look petty and self absorbed.

And, in answer to your question, yes.
In my experience Pastors do forget what it's like to have a job, a life and actively work in organized ministry.

In all fairness, he does visit through out the week with one full day committed to visiting the shut inns and drive inns as well.

I did forget to mention this, honest mistake. He's a good man and takes his position as pastor very very seriously.

He doesn't preach out much at all.....but when he does and if he is given a love offering he claims it on his taxes. I thought this was very honest of him to do this.
I have Pastored two churches, I worked a full time job while pastoring, and I am now full time at the church I currently pastor.  Many pastors forget what it is like to work a full time job, just like many pastors of larger churches forget what it is like to pastor a smaller church.  In many cases a pastor of a smaller church is just as busy as the larger ones. I try to encourage our folks to take vacations, I never discourage them if they are going to miss a Sunday for that. We do not have an organized soul-winning time. My family and I visit on Saturdays. I encourage our folks to invite people all the time, and they have responded well to that. I get told all the time by people that they have been invited to our church.
ebcpastor said:
I have Pastored two churches, I worked a full time job while pastoring, and I am now full time at the church I currently pastor.  Many pastors forget what it is like to work a full time job, just like many pastors of larger churches forget what it is like to pastor a smaller church.  In many cases a pastor of a smaller church is just as busy as the larger ones. I try to encourage our folks to take vacations, I never discourage them if they are going to miss a Sunday for that. We do not have an organized soul-winning time. My family and I visit on Saturdays. I encourage our folks to invite people all the time, and they have responded well to that. I get told all the time by people that they have been invited to our church.

How do you brooch this subject with your pastor? They seem to get so angry when you suggest they have lost touch a little. Any suggestion from a member is returned with irritation.
I reject the entire idea of mandatory, scheduled, "soul winning".

We speak as God opens doors. Putting God on a week schedule..... well... can't see it. Nothing against if that "floats your boat". Making that demand of others.....

Well. "Pastor".... that's not your decision to make.