Cinci Reds pitcher given over to Hip Hop culture...tatts for Jesus.

rsc2a said:
Narcissism isn't something new to the selfie generation, whatever that is.

Aman is just outraged that he hasn't figure out how to take a selfie yet.  ;)
Excellent bible verse
It describes him as if he is sort of new to the faith, good for him

In Calfiornia, they do not regulate the tattoo industry last I checked. So getting a tatoo is very dangerous, borderlines on stupid, imho.
We lived around the corner from a Tattoo Parlour years ago. A couple of self titled homosexuals owned it who were high on meth much of the time. A few drug busts occurred inside. The indians (Native Americans, full blood) who lived nearby used to beat them up once in a while.
I'd discourage getting a tattoo for biblical reasons, but if you need one, at least go somewhere safe. But of course damaging your temple
doesn't please God. Tattoo Parlours here turn their little corner of town into a red light district. And bring down property values. Glad we moved!
rsc2a said:
Narcissism isn't something new to the selfie generation, whatever that is.

Of course I never said that narcissism is a new thing, anymore than idolatry or materialism is a new thing.  What I did imply was that the anxiety-laden-ego-driven selfie generation is more about themselves than they are about others.  And if you haven't heard the term "selfie-generation" then you need to get out more.

And their theme song :D....
rsc2a said:
Narcissism isn't something new to the selfie generation, whatever that is.

Of course I never said that narcissism is a new thing, anymore than idolatry or materialism is a new thing.  What I did imply was that the anxiety-laden-ego-driven selfie generation is more about themselves than they are about others.

So tying tats to the current generation's narcissism was blowing smoke. Thought as much. And sounds like this generation is about like every other one out there.
rsc2a said:
So tying tats to the current generation's narcissism was blowing smoke.

Reading comprehension isn't a strong suit of yours now, is it?  Narcissism isn't new, but it certainly can be more than previous generations.  Picture graphs to follow if needed.

rsc2a said:
And sounds like this generation is about like every other one out there.

Not according to many sociologists, but keep being obtuse.

ahhhhh, been awhile :D
So the previous generations obsession with tattoos is a result of what? You have shown both a) a current obsession and b) that this generation is different than any other on this issue.
The promotion of inking seems to go hand in hand with the selfie generation's obsession with all things narcissistic.  Not a very good mind-set for Christians if ya ask me.  I thought the freebird mantra regarding adorning ourselves was that our "modesty" demands that it ought to be with good works, and not the outward fashioning of stuff on our bodies.

So... You obviously don't have a problem with tattoos as long as they aren't showing.

Does your wife wear ear rings?
rsc2a said:
rsc2a said:
Narcissism isn't something new to the selfie generation, whatever that is.

Of course I never said that narcissism is a new thing, anymore than idolatry or materialism is a new thing.  What I did imply was that the anxiety-laden-ego-driven selfie generation is more about themselves than they are about others.

So tying tats to the current generation's narcissism was blowing smoke. Thought as much. And sounds like this generation is about like every other one out there.

You have a very poor grasp of the obvious...and logic escapes you with regularity. Other than that..... ;)
rsc2a said:
So the previous generations obsession with tattoos is a result of what?

This generation is more narcissistic than others before (cf. "selfie generation").  Tats are another symptom of "look-at-me" syndrome (in large part).  That should be explanation enough, but pictures will be employed next if needed.
PY said:
So... You obviously don't have a problem with tattoos as long as they aren't showing.

Wrong.  Modesty is just one facet of my apprehension.

PY said:
Does your wife wear ear rings?

Yes, and the beauty of them is that they don't require surgery to remove.
rsc2a said:
So the previous generations obsession with tattoos is a result of what?

This generation is more narcissistic than others before (cf. "selfie generation").

An assertion without evidence. But keep trying. :)

rsc2a said:
An assertion without evidence. But keep trying. :)

Not gonna cast pearls, only to see them made to die the death of a thousand qualifications.
rsc2a said:
An assertion without evidence. But keep trying. :)

Not gonna cast pearls, only to see them made to die the death of a thousand qualifications.

What you call "a thousand qualifications", I call "pointing out that you are making crap up."
rsc2a said:
rsc2a said:
An assertion without evidence. But keep trying. :)

Not gonna cast pearls, only to see them made to die the death of a thousand qualifications.

What you call "a thousand qualifications", I call "pointing out that you are making crap up."

What you call "making up crap" is akin to what an ostrich does.