Cult or Something else


Apr 23, 2013
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A discussion came up recently with some friends and an argument was made about the IFB and/or Fundamentalism as a whole was a cult.

I tend to disagree that as a whole it is a cult. I feel that it is more of a church by church scenario.

Thoughts? Arguments for/against?
JustABigKid said:
A discussion came up recently with some friends and an argument was made about the IFB and/or Fundamentalism as a whole was a cult.

I tend to disagree that as a whole it is a cult. I feel that it is more of a church by church scenario.

Thoughts? Arguments for/against?

I remember back in the day sitting in Bro. Jones class...Cults 1.  On the first day he defines a cult and gives out the 10 characteristics of a Cult.  After 8 or 9 characteristics I still remember making eye contact with him and raising my hand.  I started to ask the obvious question that most my fellow students were thinking.  He cut me off and said we ain't going there and gave me the look to say don't ever bring it up again.

makes you go hmmmmmmm
Continuing my above post.  Years later I had the opportunity to talk with Bro. Jones about that very subject one on one.  Let me just say that in my opinion he is one of the top three IFBx Kool Aid drinkers that I personally know.  He let me know where the cow ate the cabbage on that topic in the way only Bro Jones could.  Those in the bus ministry at WHBC know what I am talking about.

But I will say that I do not believe the IFB are a cult nor are the IFBxers a cult either in my opinion.  I do believe they are extremely cultish in their behaviors.  I believe they have many cultist tendencies and characteristics.  But I do not know of any Cult that believes in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus and I do believe IFB are correct in that area as well as many others that would not classify them as a Cult.

Also, I will add, I see no Scriptural support for their position on many of the standards and rules they have adopted over the years.  Therefore, as ExFundy said above, I believe they are definitely Legalistic but not a Cult.
JustABigKid said:
A discussion came up recently with some friends and an argument was made about the IFB and/or Fundamentalism as a whole was a cult.

I tend to disagree that as a whole it is a cult. I feel that it is more of a church by church scenario.

Thoughts? Arguments for/against?

This is hard to answer unless we agree on the definition of "a cult" -- one definition, for Christians, would be "a group that claims to be Christian,  but exalts a man or a man's teaching above the Scriptures."

I don't think that Independent Fundamental Baptists are a cult, but certainly there are some  groups that are very cult-like, if not outright cults (JH certainly had a cult-like following).  I visited a church once when the pastor effectively preached that the KJV was given for pastors to tell "his" church members what to do.  This seems like a cult to me; certainly cultish.
