dark money - and the not so democratic democrats....


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
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island of oahu - somewhere in the jungle
i;ve been saying this for years... .... and others in my family have been saying it
even longer.
... there is a well funded war being waged by the left against america
and everything it means to be american.... . when people ask me why i don;t trust
..and don;t believe... the u.s main stream news media - all it does it make me
wonder why they do.... .

I do take issue with Zionism, though. It is a tenant of Judaism and makes its boast in the law, and the darkness of the Old Dispensation and the assertion that Messiah has not yet come.

In short, Zionism makes Jesus a liar.
I do take issue with Zionism, though. It is a tenant of Judaism and makes its boast in the law, and the darkness of the Old Dispensation and the assertion that Messiah has not yet come.

In short, Zionism makes Jesus a liar.
Which is exactly what the Bible says. However, we know what God is going to do with His chosen nation.

It saddens me that Jews ignore the God their heritage points to. I eagerly await the day that their hearts will be changed. Blessings will abound.
I do take issue with Zionism, though. It is a tenant of Judaism and makes its boast in the law, and the darkness of the Old Dispensation and the assertion that Messiah has not yet come.

In short, Zionism makes Jesus a liar.
i take issue with that aspect of zionism as well... which i know was the original definition of zionism.... it;s false and antichristian -.... but now days the left - the radical palestinian and hamas supporters, call anyone who simply believes the nation of israel has a right to exist and defend itself a zionist..... ...they even call other palestinians and muslims zionist if they reject the idea that israel should be wiped out or bombed into extinction by terrorists.... or if they defend jewish students in american colleges against mobs who say they want to see them killed.... like so many words in the leftist lexicon it has become a term with no clear meaning and which they use as an all purpose weapon to bludgeon people they disagree with....

and while i am not a zionist.... i none the less believe we should stand with israel as a nation like we would any other democratic nation we considered a friend.... and israel is the only democracy in that part of the world .... .a lot more democratic than ukraine - which some believe is not a democracy at all.. yet the democrats and leftists love ukraine... ..even impeached trump because he didn;t seem to love ukraine enough.... ...
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You conspiracy theorist you! ;)
i prefer to call it properly informed and well equipped ...:sneaky:

the minimum size for a proper radiation deflection hat... mine
is actually a full size sobrero... .and vintage blue tinted revo
shades of course - with the glass invented by nasa for the
space shuttles... it;s not just government satelites that

present a danger but also solar flares.... 🔥

revo 1006 001 blue mirror h20 wrap sunglasses_1.jpeg
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