Deadpool and Nudity

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The Rogue Tomato

New member
Sep 12, 2013
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Just FWIW, I saw Deadpool again yesterday, and this time I watched for nudity.  So this time I paid attention to the sex scenes instead of zoning them out. 

Unless I missed a moment in there somewhere, there was no exposure of genitals or breasts in the sex scenes.  That doesn't make them something I want to watch.  I've already said, I don't like sex scenes in movies.  And one or two seconds were (IMO disturbingly) pornographic (the woman's day).  I won't describe it.  But it was meant as humor, and I can see why it would be funny.  Overall, though, I didn't see anything that was any worse than any other sex scene in a movie.  If you refuse to see a movie with sex scenes, then don't watch this one. 

As for other nudity, I was wrong about Deadpool's nudity in a fight scene.  I was mistaken because I heard him talk about it in an interview.  He said they even put disfiguration makeup on his private parts.  But I couldn't see his private parts in the scene.  Apparently he meant they'd see it on the set when filming the scene. 

Finally, there was a scene where they walked into a strip bar, and there was a lot of nudity there.  Again, I just zoned that out the first time, but this time I was looking for it.  It wasn't a long scene.  The best part about it was when Stan Lee introduced the dancer "Chastity", who Weasel calls "Irony".  Regardless, there are lots of movies with a scene in a strip bar.  It doesn't incite lust in me.  And I've never been to a strip bar in real life -- not even in my non-Christian days.  It's just not my thing, and it was easy to overlook to enjoy the rest of the movie.  Again, if you refuse to see a movie where people walk through a strip bar, don't see this movie.

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