Do we have any hyper-dispensationalists on the forum?


New member
Feb 25, 2013
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Mattoon, IL
Recently, I've encountered some people who I would describe as hyper-dispensational.  By hyper-dispensational I mean, they say things like "Christ's teaching in the Sermon on the Mount wasn't intended for us, but for the kingdom age."  Or "1 John and James isn't for the modern Christian church."  These people usually call themselves Grace people and have a real hangup about any mention of repentance in salvation.
Any of them on the site?  Just wondering.
admin said:
Not here... I am not sure how many Dallas progeny we have here.

I know several Ruckmanites and some other followers of Mike Pearl who are hyper-dispies. I know we have at least a few Ruckmanites on the boards. Of course, the folks here might be an anomaly.
I believe in the Pre-tribulation (dispensational) Premillennia stand.

pastorryanhayden said:
Recently, I've encountered some people who I would describe as hyper-dispensational.  By hyper-dispensational I mean, they say things like "Christ's teaching in the Sermon on the Mount wasn't intended for us, but for the kingdom age."  Or "1 John and James isn't for the modern Christian church."  These people usually call themselves Grace people and have a real hangup about any mention of repentance in salvation.
Any of them on the site?  Just wondering.

Never heard the term. I have known ultra-dispensationalists. The guy I worked with got ribbed for being a "dry cleaner" as they didn't believe in baptism. A good Christian brother who taught me many helpful things as a young believer. Maybe the most important was that Christ is more important than doctrine.
I would like to declare, in the spirit of Ergun Caner, Ed Young Jr. and others, that all dispensationalists are hyper-dispensationalists, whether it is true or not. :D
Hyper-dispensationalism seems to be a characteristic mode of certain fundamentalists and evangelicals going off the rails. Over in the mainline/liberal churches, we have our doctrinal errors too of course, but not that particular one so far as I've noticed.