Faith Promise Anyone

Skip the start a church and just train some nationals to start the church.
TimbauxRioux said:
AmazedbyGrace said:
The way my former church taught Faith Promise Giving (via Chappell, Don Sisk, and Daddy Gibbs) was that we should pray for an amount to give...and not just settle for what, you know, God had actually provided us with - but with some larger amount. An amount large enough to show we had faith. Then God was supposed to honor our faith and provide the offering for us. Cause "we have not because we ask not". Yes, we were supposed to put God to the test.

So very wrong in so many ways.

Why is it the members were supposed to over give their account balances by faith, while the church leaders wanted to operate by sight?

Not shocking at all considering Chappell's faithless, 64-step fundraising method for his never-ending building programs:

they gave us a card to fill out and make a vow. I wrote.. i am self employed, i will give what i can, when i can. I am sure they knew it was I who put that card in the offering plate.

i have an about dropping the annual anniversary and birthday gift for the pastor..(in my church.. a total of about $20,000) and giving THAT to faith promise?

Ay! Ouch!  Every year!  I would think he would refuse that.
(a tiny bit of jealousy here) No one has every given me that much for any birthday or anniversary!
groupie said:
Skip the start a church and just train some nationals to start the church.

Just put an ad on Craigs' List for pastoral trainees?
If a missionary is seeking out men to train to reach their people, God will make it happen.
groupie said:
If a missionary is seeking out men to train to reach their people, God will make it happen.
God already had those men "in the chamber", before He sent the missionary there.

The Spirit leads you to the ones that are prepared.

Judson's ministry completely changed a civilization....because he was willing to just do the Will of the Father.

People forget that he cut off his own support, while on the ship headed to Myanmar, because Scripture led him to "Baptist" conclusions.

We dont much resemble Missionaries, oftentimes.
We want to be a big shot.
We deserve to be treated like an American.
We have no clue how the people view us, how they are drawn to our wealth, not our gospel.

We are so spoiled rotten, and clueless.
For years my practice was to try and set aside a certain amount of money over and above my normal giving that was exclusively for missions. I never signed a pledge card or anything like that.

When FBCH started their team missions program and consequently their faith promise giving I gave it up because I got so turned off. Twice a year they would have a faith promise drive and the pressure was unbelievable. They had idiots up there talking about money and how God would replace it and bless you if you only had faith. Stories of how people gave a certain amount how God replaced the exact amount to the penny. I used to think, "Why don't you just give it all then? Where is your faith?"

I also began to see missionaries who I didn't know who were appointed to these teams and I began to see them on the field, home, on the field, home, pastoring a church, etc. and never knew what was going on with them. In Africa and China, home for a conference, home for a wedding, home to see their kids off to college. I also began to see the church sending a complete entourage to many of these countries and often for some type of conference or seminar. Dozens of people jetting off to China, Africa, Thailand and I know they didn't have the money to  travel there by themselves.

I decided that I would give any excess money directly to a missionary I believed in instead of to the large 'black hole' that became missions at fbch.
BALAAM said:
For years my practice was to try and set aside a certain amount of money over and above my normal giving that was exclusively for missions. I never signed a pledge card or anything like that.

When FBCH started their team missions program and consequently their faith promise giving I gave it up because I got so turned off. Twice a year they would have a faith promise drive and the pressure was unbelievable. They had idiots up there talking about money and how God would replace it and bless you if you only had faith. Stories of how people gave a certain amount how God replaced the exact amount to the penny. I used to think, "Why don't you just give it all then? Where is your faith?"

I also began to see missionaries who I didn't know who were appointed to these teams and I began to see them on the field, home, on the field, home, pastoring a church, etc. and never knew what was going on with them. In Africa and China, home for a conference, home for a wedding, home to see their kids off to college. I also began to see the church sending a complete entourage to many of these countries and often for some type of conference or seminar. Dozens of people jetting off to China, Africa, Thailand and I know they didn't have the money to  travel there by themselves.

I decided that I would give any excess money directly to a missionary I believed in instead of to the large 'black hole' that became missions at fbch.

To the glory of God...
One time, I "stretched" to give a certain amount of money (not to missions; some special offering), and half-heartedly asked God to pay it back, never expecting that He would.... Shortly after that, my work did two things (unannounced) that they had never done before or since; they found a math error in a bonus amount, and they gave a salary adjustment.  Those two unexpected events totaled to just what I had given... (within, as I recall, about $5).  I was amazed!
BALAAM said: When FBCH started their team missions program and consequently their faith promise giving I gave it up because I got so turned off. Twice a year they would have a faith promise drive and the pressure was unbelievable. They had idiots up there talking about money and how God would replace it and bless you if you only had faith. Stories of how people gave a certain amount how God replaced the exact amount to the penny....

BALAAM, I do agree. But one thing I did find endearingly real one time was when Bro. Colsten was asked to be one of the speakers to give a testimony as to how Faith Promise blessed him as a giver, I don't know if you will recall this: He said, "Sometimes when you give a lot of money to something like Faith Promise, all you have to show for it is less money!" It was refreshing to hear someone who didn't promise us the moon if only we would empty our wallet.
FP is another IFB load of ............................................................................:)  Nothing scriptural about it.