Football Fans

JrChurch said:
I'm a basketball fan, but I can put up with one championship football game.


I'm only into college sports, NASCAR, a little NFL, NO NBA, and very little professional baseball. And most of all any sport related to THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA.
I am something of a sport myself.
Hate Ohio State, but will cheer for any college football team in Florida. HUGE HUGE Kentucky Wildcat basketball fan!!! Was hoping to see Gators play them next month but tickets went from $25 a piece to $100 a piece-having to buy 7 makes it out of our price range!! And of course raised in Wisconsin-Huge Packer fan!!
I enjoy competition.  Any sport that is a competition is good for me.  I have even watched curling!
Those rugby guys look like the Duck's QB (from Hawaii).  College football takes a whole 'nother skill set than Soccer or Rugby or Jogging.

And NFL is a cut above that.  As the Pack will show in Seattle
Love college football, love most NFL, enjoy baseball from time to time.
HATE basketball and hockey.
Tolerate NASCAR for hubby.

Oh yes, I *do* have a husband!  The same one for over 30 years, in fact.
I used to love to watch Yankees baseball when I lived in the tri-state area.  Now I don't live there and I don't have cable, so I've lost interest in baseball.  I can watch football and enjoy it, but I'm not a big fan. 
Our last kid is a senior in high school so the decades of spectator life will soon end. Is there life after kid's sports, Kaba?  :D  We are flying down to PCC soon to watch our high school team at the Invitational. 
JrChurch, it is breaking my heart to think no more high school games. Currently in Basketball, but cant wait for LAX-although then it means the end of high school!! My other three kids all play softball (boring!!), and I watch their games once in awhile.
JrChurch said:
Kaba, we can start over again with grand kids.  Heaven help us.

Your sis in law and hubby would come to football and lax games where my son plays, and her boys werent even going to school there anymore. That is dedication! OR a good friend!!
kaba said:
JrChurch said:
Kaba, we can start over again with grand kids.  Heaven help us.

Your sis in law and hubby would come to football and lax games where my son plays, and her boys werent even going to school there anymore. That is dedication! OR a good friend!!
She is amazing!  Even flies to college games.