From the Mother of all Conspiracy Theories...(Literally):


Well-known member
May 17, 2021
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Western Hemisphere
Concerning conspiracy theories. I remember the presidential election between Kennedy and Nixon in 1959 when I was in the first grade. The preacher warned from the pulpit that Kennedy was a Catholic and I remember in school we had a rhyme, "Nixon in the White House talking on the phone, Kennedy in the doghouse gnawing on a bone." After Kennedy was assassinated there were rumors that he was the Antichrist because he was Catholic and was shot on the right side of his head meaning that his right eye was darkened (cf. Zech 11:17). Some believed Kennedy was on an island somewhere in a wheelchair ready to come back from the dead as the Antichrist (Rev 13:3).
It was a mob hit and Lee Harvey Oswald was their patsy.
That's what Oswald said, and obviously there's no reason not to believe the commie!
Jack Ruby (who had mob ties) whacked Oswald before he could spill the beans.
Jack Ruby (who had mob ties) whacked Oswald before he could spill the beans.
Jack Ruby associated with some criminals. Maybe some of those criminals had mob connections. Ruby himself was a nobody who wanted to be a somebody.
according jack rubys sister - ruby ran errands for al capones right hand man frank nitti when he
was a teenager in chicago... and yet at the same time she claimed he did not have connections
to the mob..:unsure:.... .according to her when she visited ruby in jail he told her he killed oswald

for the american people... and to prove to others that jewish people had guts....

ruby ran errands for al capones right hand man frank nitti when he
was a teenager in chicago... and yet at the same time she claimed he did not have connections
to the mob..:unsure:

It seems to me that "mob connections" implies he was at least an associate of a crime organization. Maybe he knew some people who ran with the Chicago Outfit, but he wasn't one himself (let alone a made man). Being a teenage errand boy for Frank Nitti, if he was that, wouldn't really qualify as a "connection."

Basically, Jack Ruby was a buffoon who liked attention. Exactly the opposite sort of person that the Mafia would be attracted to, because they're a very secretive organization, and Ruby couldn't be trusted to keep his mouth shut. He was also buddy-buddy with a lot of Dallas police, because he wanted to be seen as on the side of law and order. He gave them tips. The Mafia wouldn't trust someone with close connections to law enforcement.

Ruby was also a patriot and an admirer of JFK. His killing of Oswald was opportunistic, and he thought he was doing America a service. He probably thought he'd be hailed as a hero. Little did he know he'd become a central figure of "the mother of all conspiracy theories"...
Jack Ruby associated with some criminals. Maybe some of those criminals had mob connections. Ruby himself was a nobody who wanted to be a somebody.
Better check your facts there....He had some very well-known mob connections. He may have been a small timer, but he had some big time connections.
Better check your facts there....He had some very well-known mob connections. He may have been a small timer, but he had some big time connections.
I did check my facts. Obviously you've got some "alternative facts," so you'll need to document them.
Jack Ruby owed somebody something big. Be it the mob or the government or both but he got the job done for all to see. The true facts will never come out at least in our lifetime.
Or, they already came out, but the vast variety of conspiracy theories merely reflects the huge number of people who will believe anything else.
A Canadian's point of view of happenings in America...go figure! LOL +++just pokin' the bear, Scott! +++
Or, they already came out, but the vast variety of conspiracy theories merely reflects the huge number of people who will believe anything else.
Who released the reports? I’ve personally never seen or heard that anything was ever released.
if you are talking about the official report by the warren commision..which
did the only official government investigation of the assassination - it has
been out for a long time.... since 1964....

been out for a long time.... since 1964....

And there are also books (e.g. by Gerald Posner and Vincent Bugliosi) that argue pretty conclusively for Oswald's guilt, while also taking issue with many of the Warren Commission's findings.