Great Quotes From First Baptist


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Feb 2, 2012
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"Open your Bibles, that's better than saying 'Please turn in your Bibles, because where would you turn them in to?'"

Johnny Colsten
These aren't exact quotes, but referring to Johnny Colsten:

"You know, Sir, you remind me of Jesus." R.G. Lee

"More people in Hammond have blessed the Name of Jesus at mention of Johnny Colsten than anyone else I know." Jack Hyles
"Ushers, please show this lady where the nursery is."
Baptist City Holdout said:
Upon the reading of a wedding invitation at FBCH:
"This couple comes from two of our finest families."

And don't forget the inner circle. The coveted "inner circle".  That moment you knew you'd arrived.
"If you don't like to attend a large church and want to attend a small church just sit on the front row and don't turn around."

Adrian Rogers
Vince Massi said:

Jack Hyles

Sorry, Jack may have used that but the credit goes to Booth of the Salvation Army.
Tennessean said:
"Open your Bibles, that's better than saying 'Please turn in your Bibles, because where would you turn them in to?'"

Johnny Colsten

It is OK to marry a Mexican as long as they don't look Mexican.

Jack Rose in a Hyles-Anderson classroom.
This isn't an exact quote. But after we had 100,00 in Sunday School (officially, at least), Brother Hyles told about a Pentecostal preacher asking if we spoke in tongues like they did at Pentecost. Hyles replied "No, but we had 3,000 saved in one day like they did at Pentecost."

PS. Pentecostals don't speak in tongues like they did at Pentecost.