Hey preachers

Better Not Bitter said:
If you were a student that did not sign you were expelled.

And this occurred at the end of the school year so that any expelled student would lose all credit for the semester and still be responsible for the full tuition for that semester despite not being allowed to finish.  Then they wold be required to write a letter of appology to the Dean of OBC to be reconsidered for re-enrolment in the next semester.

So I imagine all the students signed the letters
Tanner said:
He absolutely has to resign. There is no way he can correct this while being in the MOG bubble.  These men are surrounded by yes men that will stay loyal until the ship sinks.  This type of protection from reality is very destructive.    I don't believe for a minute that JS got busted the first time he messed around.  If Tom gets away with this, it will get worse.

It is probably already worse, he only admits what he cannot deny or put a spin on it.
Walt said:
Just me said:
Several of the members who stayed actually had to sign papers stating they would not say anything against the pastor.

This should have been refused. Wonder what happens to people who refused to sign.  No man is above being evaluated by the Scriptures, and no true preacher should be afraid of people doing such an evaluation.

So a Pastor that preaches politics, the constitution and liberty wants to violate a constitutional right of freedom of speech by making you sign your constitutional rights away?

This is just another form of Vineyard hypocrisy.
Better Not Bitter said:
If you were a student that did not sign you were expelled.

But the part I was quoting was that MEMBERS (not students) had to sign.  I can understand threatening the students, but they cannot hold much of an incentive over a member's head.
Walt said:
Better Not Bitter said:
If you were a student that did not sign you were expelled.

But the part I was quoting was that MEMBERS (not students) had to sign.  I can understand threatening the students, but they cannot hold much of an incentive over a member's head.

You would think not but that would be incorrect.  They have something to hold over most everybodies head.  Some more so than others of course.  If a member ever went in to the pastor for counseling for any reason it was recorded down in a file under that persons name.  He would write down his "notes" from the session and file them.  So if there was anything that could be used from that session this would be a time for it to be conveniently brought up.  Or if there ever was an incident it also was recorded and put in the file to be used if possible at a time like this.  Seen it with my own eyes and heard it with my ears.

Also, in the system at Cultish churches most are blindly following the leader and thus believe anything they say.  If he denies the events, in the koolaid drinkers eyes, it is a he said and they believe it totally.  Evidence does not matter to those individuals.  So in this case, if they were confronted and asked to sign said paper they would happily because they want to be seen as supporting their managod, hoping for an attaboy from the leadership for their support.  Since these are the people who were not leaving anyway, I am willing to bet they fall into one of the two categories I mentioned.
Bob Ross would preach at someone about something that was private.  That person would squirm and others in the know would know who he was talking about.  If you really made him mad he would use more discriptors to narrow down who he was talking about. 

He might say this couple is having marital problems.  He might add that they have two girls and a new born it was never difficult to know who he was talking about.  We never went to him about anything because of his judgmental spirit you would be marked forever and made sermon illustrations. 
Tanner said:
Bob Ross would preach at someone about something that was private.  That person would squirm and others in the know would know who he was talking about.  If you really made him mad he would use more discriptors to narrow down who he was talking about. 

He might say this couple is having marital problems.  He might add that they have two girls and a new born it was never difficult to know who he was talking about.  We never went to him about anything because of his judgmental spirit you would be marked forever and made sermon illustrations.

That is how these Cultic preachers roll.  Then they get upset when the roll is reversed and posters on a Forum return the favor of telling their story without the names!!!  lol