How Do Pagans Dress?


New member
Feb 1, 2012
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When you hear the word "pagan" are you more likely to conjure up the picture of a person in a collared shirt and tie, or an image closer to one in cut-offs and sandals?
I am thinking about someone in a loin cloth and with shrunken heads around their neck! 8) :eek:
Ask the missionaries. Alot of them wore nuttin at all. Come to speak of it, that's where American Christianity is heading. Who would of thunk it?

I though it was the lack of being dressed that identified "pagans"??


Nice suits ;D
I've always had great contempt for the notion of following the in-crowd, and fashion is largely about getting the lemmings to get in line, so for me, pagan is any recent trend. 

And ladies, speaking of such, have any of you noticed the recent fad of maxi-dresses (or at least that's what ALAYWIFE told me they were)?  They are usually too form fitting, but at least they look a tad more modest than the daisy dukes that were popular not long ago.

Just like the rest of us...they put their pants on one leg at a time. 8)
Well, aleshanee, I do that, too...with all two-legged articles of clothing...with one exception.  Panty hose.  I would have to have 4 hands to put those on two legs at a time.  ;)   
I guess it is just another cliché that isn't true 100% of the time.  :)
I don't call people of other religions pagans, unless they call themselves that. And those who do are usually wiccan or druidic, or something like that.

And I do know a fair number of that group. The pagans I know dress just like regular people. Though they do have special clothing for their ceremonies (might be robes, skyclad or whatever, depending) and for SCA* events, SF cons and gaming cons. It seems like a high percentage of them are into those things.

(* SCA - Society for Creative Anachronism)